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Members Honored at 32nd Annual Convention and Trade Show

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April 6, 2017

On March 10, 2017, the Annual RCI Awards Banquet was held at the Hilton Anaheim in Anaheim, CA. A number of members were honored for their various contributions to the organization. Those who have earned new registrations during the last year and those earning 20-, 25- and 30-year pins are listed below. Other awardees will be highlighted in the May/June issue of RCI Interface. Photos were taken of those present at the awards banquet.

Since last convention, 14 individuals have earned the designation Registered Roof Consultant. They are listed in the table below.

Douglas Arena Kenrick Hartman
Daniel Atwell Daniel Montgomery
Robert Beauregard Mark Renninger
Walter Brock Daniel Rundle
Paul Fields Steward Verhulst
Kathryn Gromowski Randy Worcester
Scott Hall Richard Ziegler
New RRCs from left to right: Douglas Arena, Kenrick Hartman, Robert Beauregard, and Daniel Atwell.

75 new people have become Registered Roof Observers.

Andrew Aery Robert DeHann Gregory Nelson
Elliott Allen James Dougherty David Niles
Craig Andrade Jamieson Droheim Kyle Norman
Lenny Barker Ben Dykstra Timothy O’Brien
Hubert Baumann Andrea Eng Conor O’Brien
Mark Benson Troy Ferreira Jesse Parisien
Jeffrey Birch Garratt Grenier Michael Rauth
Charles Bledsoe Bryan Guess Nicholas Richardson
Steve Bogner Matt Gurka Jose Rodriguez
Edward Bradley Timothy Harwell Stephen Rush
Troy Brooks George Hyatt Paul Schnieders
Joseph Bukovec Michael Irvin Michael Schorsch
Sean Burroughs Endrit Kabashi Joseph Sorrentino
Sean Campbell Shane Kilpatrick Ronald Soto
Keith Cappelluti Kevin Kramers Mike Stevens
Jason Casey William Lavender Darryl Terry
Joshua Chambers Tyler Laymon Scott Toller
Peter Charbonneau Michael Lechleitner Jose Torres
Matt Cooper Roman Lipiec Matthew Viola
Wardell Coutee Anton Loup Benjamin Warren
Mark Cridlin Jordan Magnuson Timothy Welch
Peggy Culver Richard Mansfield Mark Wildschutz
Robert Da Silva Hamish Matheson Cari Williams
Ryan Daugherty William McCreary Randy Worcester
Jason De Oliveira Bruce Murphy Kevin Wourms

Since the last convention, there have been 11 new Registered Exterior Wall Consultants.

Joey Bass Daniel Tempas
Anthony Fenton Rosanna Tucker
Stephen Fleming Christopher Upperman
Kenrick Hartman Bob G. Whitworth
Julie McDonald Corey Zussman
Lyle Shive  
New REWCs Julie McDonald and Kenrick Hartman.

The Registered Exterior Wall Observer is a brand new RCI registration, offered in computer-based testing format. There are currently 15 REWOs.

Robert Card Stephen Hentz Michael Phifer
James Copeland Edward Lehman Patrick Reicher
Scott Croasdale Dennis Mashburn James Ripley
Danielle Czyzewski Max Morrill Kyle Siliker
Martin Gerskup Brian O’Donnell Dennis Spina
REWOs, from left to right: Jim Ripley, Steve Hentz , Bob Card, Patrick Reicher, and Max Morrill.

In the last year, there have been five new Registered Waterproofing Consultants. They are Sean Connolly, Nicholas Gorgen, Sean Harden, Kenrick Hartman, and Corey Zussman.

RWC Kenrick Hartman

Nicholas Gorgen and Kenrick Hartman earned their Registered Building Envelope Consultant registrations in the past year.

Robért Hinojosa congratulates Kenrick Hartman not just on his RBEC, but for earning all four consultant designations in just one year.

In addition to recognizing new registrations, the awards banquet included the presentation of pins to individuals who have been members for 20, 25, and 30 years.

From left to right: RCI President Robért Hinojosa, 20-year pin recipients Dave Pierce, Karl Schaack, Bill Rogers, Jerry Teitsma, and Steve Hutmacher.
RCI President Robért Hinojosa presented 25-year pins to Brian Gardiner, Mike Clark, Robert Boessen, Sr., and Bill Cypher.
RCI President Robért Hinojosa poses with 30-year pin recipients Ed Arnold, Curt Liscum, John Willers, and Jeff Evans.