To advance the profession of building enclosure consulting.
IIBEC is universally recognized as the leading authority in building enclosure consulting.

Ethical, independent, objective, and unbiased practice;
Pursuit and exchange of knowledge;
Commitment to the profession and industry;
Sustainability of building enclosures.
VALUE OF IIBEC | Be the premier technical, educational, and networking resource of the building enclosure profession.
Increase brand awareness within the building enclosure profession and industry and the value of working with IIBEC members.
Increase the value proposition of IIBEC for all members.
Increase support for each of IIBEC’s core competencies: roofing, exterior walls, waterproofing, and building enclosure commissioning.
Increase understanding and knowledge of the building enclosure profession and industry.
Increase emphasis of the IIBEC Code of Ethics.
Improve chapter effectiveness and promotion of IIBEC and local activities.
Advocate for consultant members at all levels of government. | ADVOCACY
Increase involvement in the development of codes and standards to promote requirements needed to ensure the safety, resilience, and sustainability of building enclosure systems.
Increase advocacy efforts to influence procurement issues to protect the integrity and transparency of taxpayer funded projects.
Increase engagement with outside organizations to promote legislative efforts.
Increase efforts to promote IIBEC member credentials and services to government entities.
Increase resources, tools, and training to chapters to engage in local, state, and provincial advocacy efforts.
CREDENTIALS | Lead the industry in building enclosure consulting credentials.
Grow the return on investment for IIBEC credentials holders.
Increase the industry use of IIBEC credentialed individuals by owners
Increase the number of individuals who hold IIBEC credentials.
Obtain accreditation through ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB) for IIBEC credentials.

KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER | Lead the industry in building enclosure consulting credentials.

Increase educational offerings in the following areas: sustainability, resiliency, technology, codes and standards, business and professional development, and hands-on applications.
Ensure the diversity of the Core Competencies throughout the educational programing.
Expand the database of technical resources to enhance member value.
Develop ethics training for IIBEC members and credential holders.
Expand and update IIBEC education tools and resources to promote effective chapter leadership.