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A Tribute to Twenty-Four Years

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October 1, 2020
Kris Ammerman

In his October 2020 message in IIBEC Interface, IIBEC President Scott Hinesley took the opportunity to use his virtual pulpit to honor someone whose selfless work has been a crucial cog in the wheel of IIBEC for over two decades. We reference, of course, Kris Ammerman. As the executive editor of IIBEC Interface during those years, Ammerman has overseen an incalculable contribution to the overall knowledge of the building enclosure industry. The president’s message appears below. We encourage you to add your own memories and well wishes to Kris in the comments section.

By now you probably know Kris Ammerman retired from IIBEC on September 7 after more than 24 years of service. In honor of Kris’s contribution to Interface, I want to dedicate this space to her and provide comments from individuals who worked with her over the years:

“I know I’m not alone in asserting that Interface readers would be sorely abused by reading the monthly president’s messages were it not for Kris Ammerman. I am enduringly grateful for her work in wrangling my words into something like prose.”
– Bob Card (Immediate Past President)

“During my 30 years as an RCI/IIBEC member, Interface has grown from a low-tech newsletter to the high-quality building enclosure technical journal it is today. Kris has been primarily responsible for this metamorphosis. During my year as president, when faced with the unenviable task of editing my monthly messages, she succeeded, and in the process, helped me become a much better writer. I will miss Kris and wish her a long, happy retirement and Godspeed.”
– Mike Clark (Past President)

“Kris has been a spotlight-averse, unassuming, super-dedicated professional that RCI/IIBEC has been blessed with for such a long time. But her talent has still managed to shine brightly on our organization and dazzle us every month for 24 years with the publication of Interface. This has been a huge factor, over that lengthy period, in IIBEC pulling ourselves up into legitimacy as an organization.”
– Ted Sheridan (First Vice President)

“We love you much; and like I say, thanks for making me look good for a number of years (I needed the help).”
– Lyle Hogan (Past Interface Peer Review Board Chair)

“Interface benefitted from Kris’s professionalism for 24 years. While I only had the opportunity to benefit from Kris’s wisdom for a short time, it’s clear the significant positive effect she has had on Interface and the profession. Best wishes to Kris on a well-earned retirement.”
– Brian Pallasch (IIBEC Chief Executive Officer)

IIBEC President Scott Hinesley

“Over the years, I have seen how Kris has shaped and improved Interface to make it the quality publication that often serves as the face of IIBEC. She has juggled authors, articles, reviewers, and the other forces that influence our organization to put together a journal with which I’m proud to be associated.”
– Richard Wagner (Interface Peer Review Board Chair)

“I have known Kris for all of the 24 years as part of the Peer Review Committee. She was the captain of the Interface ship that always sailed with pride and never wavered or compromised under her leadership. I, for one, have been so proud to be a member of her team and leadership. Enjoy your retirement!!”
– Rick Harris (Past Interface Peer Review Board Member)

Kris, this is for you; thank you for 24 years of making other people look good; you will be missed!!!

One response to “A Tribute to Twenty-Four Years”

  1. In the four years I’ve worked at IIBEC, Kris has taught me plenty about all that goes into putting together a stellar technical journal while running a nonprofit communications department. More than that, she has taught me that it is possible to be firm, yet kind; to be competent, yet approachable; to be a leader, and a friend. That she chose me to carry on her legacy is a bigger honor than I can possibly convey in words. I will miss you so much, Kris, and am so happy for you. -Katey

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