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Frequently Asked Questions

Over 3,700 individual members worldwide

2,500 active professional registrations spanning roofing, waterproofing, and exterior walls

32 affiliated chapters and branches across North America

How many members does IIBEC have?

IIBEC currently has approximately 3,700 individual members and 2,500 active credentials in circulation.

What benefits and services are included with membership?

  • 15% off attendance at educational programs.
  • Up to 50% off on products and technical publications.
  • Up to 40% off on RRC, RWC, REWC, RRO, and REWO application and exam fees.
  • More than 20% off on registration to the IIBEC International Convention and Trade Show.
  • As a member, if your company wants to exhibit at our IIBEC International Convention and Trade Show or Building Enclosure Symposium, you will receive up to 25% off on exhibit fees.
  • Listing on the IIBEC international member directory, which provides you and your company with excellent exposure throughout the industry.
  • Access to local IIBEC affiliated chapters.
  • Unlimited access to IIBEC’s premier technical library, The Hub.
  • An annual subscription to the IIBEC Interface technical journal.
  • Invitations to networking events, education programs and much more.

How can I become a member of IIBEC?

Please visit our IIBEC Community Portal. You can become a member by creating a new member profile and submitting an application online.

I’m a member. How do I renew my membership or update my information?

Members can renew their membership, make a payment, review their member benefits and update or edit their membership information through the member portal. Members can also view their account history, view and report continuing education hours (CEHs), register for events, order products and publications, post or search for jobs, and search for other members at any time.

I’m unable to log into my online account. What do I do?

Existing members can log in using their username (email address) and password. If you don’t know your password, select the “Change My Password” option. If you are experiencing difficulty with your login, please contact IIBEC Member Services at or call 919-859-0742 and an IIBEC staff member will be happy to assist

What membership category do I select?

Please visit the Membership Categories tab under Membership for additional information regarding rates and how to select your category.

Is my company a member?

IIBEC is an individual membership organization. We do not offer company or corporate memberships. Company information is listed on the international member directory when an individual joins.  Memberships cannot be transferred between individuals.

What are Affiliated IIBEC chapters?

IIBEC affiliated chapters are volunteer-driven localized membership groups. While our overall membership base is divided up by seven geographical regions, those regions are made up of various chapters, each legally registered as a non-profit corporation. IIBEC has 26 Affiliated chapters and 6 branches. If you would like to get involved, we recommend contacting your local chapter for further information. 

Please note – IIBEC membership is required to join an IIBEC chapter.  Members are welcome to join any and all IIBEC chapters.

Who can I speak to about my CEH credits?

Members and non-members may view their CEH credits by logging into the IIBEC member portal or through

How can I obtain one of IIBEC’s professional credentials?

Members and non-members may apply for IIBEC professional registrations by logging into the IIBEC member portal. IIBEC Membership & Credentials Specialist Simone Patterson, handles the processing of our registration programs. Please contact Simone at She can also be reached at 919-859-0742.

Can I hold a credential without being a member?

Yes, IIBEC membership is not required to hold an IIBEC credential, however there is substantial member savings on the credential application fee, credential exam fee, and credential renewal fees that make joining as a member first financially prudent.  The vast majority of credential holders are also members of IIBEC.  Only active members of IIBEC are listed on the IIBEC International Member Directory.

How do I look up a member?

Please visit the IIBEC Member Directory and follow the prompts to complete your search using the drop-down menus.  We recommend “casting a wide net” and searching in and around your intended area as many of our member are willing to travel.

What happens if I change employers?

IIBEC membership classification is based on employer business practices, therefore changes to employer information may impact membership classification.  Company updates in the IIBEC database must be completed by IIBEC staff (personal updates, including email, phone, address may be done by the individual through the online Community Portal at any time). Please contact IIBEC’s member services at or call (919) 859-0742 to have your company information updated.

I am already an IIBEC member. Do I need to create a LearnUpon account as well?

LearnUpon is a separate platform (and requires a separate user account to be setup) from your IIBEC account. To access LearnUpon and create an account, visit:

  1. To create an account, click “sign in” and then click “Don’t have an account?” to setup a username and password.
  2. Be sure to select your IIBEC member status when setting up your LearnUpon account.
Important Note: Once you create a LearnUpon account and indicate that you are an IIBEC member, a verification email is sent by the LearnUpon system to the education staff for verification. Member pricing for courses will not be reflected in LearnUpon until member status is verified.  Verification typically takes 24 hours during the business week. 

I need additional help with registering for IIBEC Online Education under the LearnUpon portal. Who can I contact?

Please reach out to with any questions regarding IIBEC Online Education/LearnUpon.

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