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IIBEC — Social Media Use Policy

IIBEC is an international organization comprised of learned members with informed opinions and positions on a myriad of industry-related issues.

The association cannot (nor would we wish to) police the social media postings of its members. While we encourage open discourse on any platform, here are a few things to keep in mind when using social media in relation to IIBEC.

Social Media Guidelines

  1. The only social media posts endorsed by IIBEC are those that come directly from IIBEC accounts and that are posted by IIBEC staff.
  2. All social media communications by IIBEC members and registrants should abide by the IIBEC Code of Ethics, taking particular note of the following points:
    • Be objective and truthful in reports, statements, testimony, and on social media.
    • Preserve the confidentiality of clients and employers, and serve each in a professional and competent manner.
  3. IIBEC members, including officers and other leaders, may identify themselves on social media as members of the organization. However, they should make it clear that their opinions are their own and do not necessarily reflect any official position of IIBEC.
  4. A share by IIBEC on its official social media platform(s) is not an endorsement of a position. If the content did not originate with IIBEC, it should not be construed as an official IIBEC policy or statement, regardless of the poster’s position within the organization.
  5. Feel free to “tag” official IIBEC accounts with your building-enclosure-related posts. In fact, we encourage this! (However, refer to number 4: A share is not an endorsement.)
  6. Do not reveal confidential information. The discussions held within IIBEC’s committees and meetings are not public information. If you’re unsure whether to share: don’t. Social media is not a secure medium. You should never assume a post is or will remain private, regardless of your settings. If you are posting on a social media site, you are relinquishing control of the information.
  7. Be nice. We think it’s wonderful that some of our members are so passionate about their work, but if a conversation is becoming heated, the best thing to do is walk away. Before you hit “send,” ask yourself if you would say, face-to-face, what you have just typed.
  8. Admit your mistakes. If you post information that you later find to be inaccurate, add a comment or note to your post with the updated information (and a note saying that you did so, if the platform does not already provide an edit log).