IIBEC’s Single Title Educational Programs focus on a variety of exterior design topics. Held in various metropolitan locations, these events draw an average of 15 to 30 attendees depending on location and topic. Discover upcoming educational events on the IIBEC events calendar.
As the sole event sponsor in an open and inclusive environment, attendees and sponsoring representatives have may opportunities to interact informally throughout the duration of the program. A sales connection with just one building enclosure consultant can convert to millions of dollars in sales.
As an event sponsor, your company demonstrates visible support for the association and its mission to provide education to the building envelope designer community. Sponsorships help IIBEC to offer an increasing number of educational programs and provide better learning experiences for those who attend.
Sponsorships give your company a competitive edge in the building envelope consulting community and draw attention to its support for better building exteriors through increased visibility of corporate branding.