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IIBEC and its members are active leaders in the building enclosure industry. The individual and collective knowledge of members is valued in both the private and public sectors of construction and building maintenance/repair services.

The association embraces its role as an industry leader and advocate for sustainable, high-performance buildings. IIBEC maintains several programs intended to share with the industry,  important information gleaned from building enclosure consulting experiences, and it seeks to further public knowledge of the value of building enclosure consultants’ services.

IIBEC Policy Statements

The goal of an IIBEC Policy Statements is to provide IIBEC’s position on an issue that affects the building enclosure consulting profession—either in a direct or a broad way. These board approved policy statements are used to educate policymakers, the public, and the construction industry Additionally, IIBEC issues Technical Advisories which describe and convey IIBEC’s positions and information concerning timely technical issues and are presented in the form of white papers, commentaries, or other analyses, supported by objective, sound research and technical documentation.

Policy Statements are the basis for any statements made on behalf of IIBEC to Congress, Parliament, federal regulatory agencies, state, provincial and local governments, the media and the public. Policy Statement topics may be brought forward for consideration by the Public Policy Subcommittee of the Advocacy Committee by the Board, committees, chapters, or individuals. These statements are reviewed every three years by Advocacy Committee and the Board of Directors.

Click here to view the IIBEC Policy Statements.

Construction Industry Associations 

The association advocates for the profession of building enclosure consulting through direct communication with building industry associations.

Click Here to access a detailed list of various industry associations.