Bob Card, F-IIBEC, RBEC, RRC, RWC, REWC, REWO, and former IIBEC president, testified January 30, 2024, before a Washington state House committee in support of legislation that would streamline the State Building Code Council’s process for considering new model codes. (Card’s testimony begins at 40:09 of the linked video.)
In mid-January IIBEC identified a pair of fast-moving bills pending before the Washington state legislature—SB 6291 and HR 2465—that would improve how the code council works and therefore increase the probability that the state would update its codes on a regular basis, a policy position IIBEC supports. IIBEC teamed with its Puget Sound Chapter to send a letter endorsing SB 6291 to Washington’s State Government & Elections Committee, which was scheduled to hold a January 26 hearing on the bill.
Learning the state’s House Local Government Committee was scheduled to hold a hearing on the bill the following week, IIBEC worked with its Puget Sound Chapter to identify a member willing to testify in support of the legislation before the House Committee. Card volunteered to do so, and he also delivered a letter endorsing HR 2465 that was signed by IIBEC and the Puget Sound Chapter.
Both the House and the Senate committees approved their respective versions of the bill, sending them to their next stage in the legislative process—a vote in each chamber, followed by reconciliation. If approved, the bill will be sent to the governor for his approval or veto.
IIBEC would like to express appreciation to Darbi Krumpos, president of the Puget Sound Chapter, and Bob Card for their willingness to work on the letters and testimony with very short notice.
The 2025 IIBEC Building Enclosure Symposium (BES) is now accepting abstract submissions through January 17, 2025.
The 2025 IIBEC BES will take place at the St. Louis Union Station Hotel in St. Louis, Missouri, October 26-28, 2025. Will you be one of the presenters? IIBEC is seeking technical articles and presentations for consideration. Put your skills, knowledge, and talent to work for your profession!
Submit Your Abstract Today!
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