By John Boling
On February 9, 2023, Natural Resources Canada issued a statement announcing Calls for Applications for two new initiatives to accelerate building retrofits: the Deep Retrofit Accelerator Initiative (DRAI) and the Greener Neighbourhoods Pilot Program (GNPP).
The $200 million DRAI will invest in projects that support deep retrofits in commercial, institutional, or mid- or high-rise multiunit residential buildings across Canada. The application process will remain open until April 28, 2023, and is available to nonprofits, private firms, civil society, municipalities, provinces and territories, and indigenous organizations and groups.
Deep retrofits typically save at least 50% in energy consumption and reduce utility costs and operating expenses by as much as 80%–100% in GHG emissions. They also may include measures to improve resiliency and adaptation to climate change.
Apply for the DRAI.
The two-phase $35.5 million GNPP will support up to six communities in developing integrated approaches to deep energy retrofits—or a major building renovation project—such as upgrading building walls and insulation or upgrading space heating equipment.
The first phase of the program will identify regional market development teams in preparing scalable deep energy retrofit plans for their communities. Applicants, including nonprofits, private firms, and indigenous organizations and groups, could receive up to $1 million. The second phase, expected to launch by the summer of 2023, will showcase demonstration projects in up to six communities, targeting clusters of low-rise housing (minimum of 100+ units). Phase One applications are due before April 5, 2023.
The Greener Neighbourhoods Pilot Program is based on the successful Dutch “Energiesprong” model, which found savings in decarbonizing multiple buildings at once using prefabricated, panelized approaches.
Apply for the GNPP.
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