By Sr. Director of Membership & Registrations Alec Jeffries
The IIBEC team is busy finalizing the Certified Building Enclosure Commissioning Provider (CBECxP®) program, and we need your help to finish. We have approximately 182 more questions needed for the certification exam bank. Please take a few minutes and submit as many questions as you feel competent in drafting during the next few weeks. We would like to have a final list of questions to review by Thursday, July 2.
Below is the spreadsheet, which lists the tasks where questions are still needed. The question-writing process should include the following steps: (1) review the attached guidelines; (2) draft questions and answers that correspond with a particular task using the Excel spreadsheet format; (3) where possible, please indicate the reference code/standard used to develop the question.
There are no restrictions on who can submit questions—the more, the merrier! Please send all questions to using the attached spreadsheet by Thursday, July 2.
IIBEC is working with Building Professionals, a certification development company, to assist with ISO 17024 accreditation and certification development. You may receive correspondence from Laverne Dalgleish and/or Building Professionals staff pertaining to the IIBEC CBECxP program.
Thank you for offering your industry expertise for this important process. We greatly appreciate your question-writing contributions as we near the finish line for this important building enclosure commissioning certification.
IIBEC Spreadsheet For Questions Still Required (Excel File)
Question Writing Guidelines (PDF File)