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Chapter News – April 2017

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April 17, 2017

Check the source! Find chapter news on RCI Affiliated Chapter websites.

Chapter leaders can download resources, including the Chapter Awards Program Application, from the Member Resources page of RCI’s website.

Calendar of Upcoming Chapter Events

News by Chapter : Delaware Valley | Great Lakes | Mid Atlantic | Ohio Valley | Ontario | So Cal

New Leaders Hold Breakfast Meeting at Convention; Affiliation of Portland Chapter Announced

by Catherine Moon, Director of Region and Chapter Relations

On Tuesday, March 21, 2017, at the conclusion of the 32nd RCI International Convention and Trade Show in Anaheim, CA, the 2017-2018 RCI Board of Directors and new RCI Affiliated Chapter presidents met over breakfast. The meeting helped kick off introductions and discussion among the new leaders. It was a first meeting for some region directors with their chapter presidents, such as newly elected Region I Director Michael Violette, RRC, PE; Region II Director Christopher Giffin, RRC, AIA; Region III Director Gene Keeton; and Region VII Director Bryan Fishburn, RRO, who began their terms on the 2017-2018 RCI Board of Directors at the Annual Meeting of the Members on March 20.

All region directors are ex-officio nonvoting members of each chapter’s board within his or her region. Region directors serve as members of the Board of Directors and act as the communication link between RCI and the members and chapters of the regions. In addition to the Board, the region directors regularly report region and chapter activities to First Vice President Mike Clark, RRC, RWC, REWC, RBEC, RRO, PE, CSRP, who is the coordinator of the region directors.

President Mike Williams thanked everyone for their contributions to the leadership of RCI.
President Mike Williams, RRC, RWC, RRO, thanked everyone for coming to the convention and breakfast, and for their leadership. He noted the importance of having leaders represent RCI at the local level and impressed upon the chapters to keep their region directors informed of chapter business, activities, and board and regular meetings. He explained the Board of Directors relies upon the region directors to report on local activity. President Williams also encouraged attendees to advocate for the building envelope consulting profession, and support open (nonproprietary) specifications and efforts to derail cooperative purchasing. He reiterated the need for leaders, training available to leaders at the annual leadership workshop, and utilizing the Outstanding RCI Affiliated Chapter Award Program for successful chapter operations.

Jon Cannon explained updates to the chapter award program application.
President Williams introduced Chapter Development Committee Chairman Jonathan Cannon, RRC, RRO, CDT. Chairman Cannon was happy to see the Board and so many chapters represented at the breakfast meeting. He thanked them for their volunteerism and leadership and provided a brief overview of the 2017 Outstanding RCI Affiliated Chapter Award Program, noting that the application had been revised to include credit for committee meeting minutes and Document Competition entrants, as well as more detailed instructions and a file folder system to better organize attachments and the application submittal. He encouraged all chapters to begin using the Chapter Award Program application now and throughout 2017 to track and record their activities for an easy submission by January 15, 2018. Cannon reported that the annual RCI Affiliated Chapter/Region Leadership Development Training Workshop would be held on October 19-20, 2017 at the Embassy Suites in Cary, NC, and asked region directors, chapter vice presidents, and branch liaisons to attend.

RCI officers, region directors, and chapter leaders enjoyed breakfast and conversation.
Over half of RCI’s 25 affiliated chapters were represented at the breakfast, including the new Portland Chapter of RCI, whose affiliation was approved by the RCI Board of Directors during the convention at its board meeting on Thursday, March 16.

The RCI Portland Chapter previously operated as a branch under the management of the RCI Puget Sound Chapter. Steven McBride, RRO, former branch liaison, is now acting president of the chapter.

For more information about RCI affiliated chapters, their officers, and contact information, visit Contact information for the RCI Board of Directors can be found at

Delaware Valley Will Host First 2017 Event

by Julie Palmer, Vice President, Delaware Valley Chapter

The Delaware Valley Chapter of RCI will host their first event of 2017, an educational session followed by a baseball game, on April 19, 2017, at the Arm & Hammer Park in Trenton, NJ. Registration will begin at 4:30 p.m., with the presentation beginning at 5 p.m. For more details, see this previous newsfeed article or visit the RCI Delaware Valley website.

Great Lakes Chapter to Host Spring Session on Sheet Metal, Energy Code

by Sue Baumberger, Industry Director, Great Lakes Chapter

On April 20, 2017, the Great Lakes Chapter will hold their Spring Technical Session. Two important topics will be discussed:

  1. Pre-fabricated and shop-formed sheet metal edge options
  2. Proposed changes to the Michigan energy code – Tom Mrozowski, M.Arch, AIA, LEED® AP, professor and program leader in construction management with Michigan State University, will be presenting. His in-depth knowledge on this subject is based on the Michigan Energy Code Training and Implementation Project he conducts for the state of Michigan. To understand this important change to our state requirements, please register ASAP. It will be a packed house! Details have been sent to the membership.

Upcoming chapter events are shown below. Mark your calendars now!

5/22: Chapter Putting Contest sponsorship at the Southeastern Michigan Roofing Contractors Association (SMRCA) golf outing
9/11: Chapter benefit golf outing
10/12: Fall technical session
12/7: Annual banquet and membership meeting

Details will be sent to the membership well in advance of all scheduled events.

Volunteers are important to any organization. If you would like to help, please call or email chapter President Ron Kinne at 734-591-4444 or

Mid Atlantic Chapter Holds Educational Seminar, Looks Forward to Golf Outing

by Matt Schofield, Chapter Secretary, Mid Atlantic Chapter

The Mid Atlantic Chapter (MAC) held its first educational seminar of 2017 on March 30 at Best Western Battlefield Inn in Manassas, VA. A total of four presentations were given worth a total of six RCI Continuing Education Hours (CEHs).

The second educational seminar of 2017 will be on May 18 at the East Jessup Holiday Inn in Jessup Maryland. A total of four presentations are scheduled to be given for six RCI CEHs. Presentation are scheduled to include:

  • Slate Roofing: Nothing’s New, Everything’s New
    o Presenter: Julie Palmer – Levine & Company
  • Heat Welding & Thermoplastic Membrane
    o Presenter: Helene Hardy Pierce – GAF Materials Corporation
  • The Cavity Wall Conundrum
    o Presenter: Todd Skopic – Henry Company
  • Achieving High-Performance Design with Commercial Polycarbonate Glazing
    o Presenter: Tim Metcalfe – Wasco Products Inc.

The 15th Annual Mid Atlantic Chapter of RCI, Inc. golf outing will be held at the Little Bennett Golf Course in Clarksburg, Maryland, on June 8, 2017. The tournament will be a four-person scramble. Golfers who do not submit a foursome will be assigned to one. Foursome assignments are designed to encourage interaction among consultants, building owners, contractors, and material suppliers involved with the industry in the Mid Atlantic Chapter area of Virginia, Maryland, and the District of Columbia. Please register for this event by Friday, May 12, 2017.

For more information about this event and future events or other chapter information, visit the Mid Atlantic Chapter website at, or contact Matt Schofield at or Steven Bohlen at

Ohio Valley Chapter Accepting Outstanding Contractor Nominations

by Kate Hendrickson, Ohio Valley Chapter

The Ohio Valley Chapter of RCI was very active in 2016, with education days and more. The chapter felt that their team effort was not complete without including and recognizing the professional roofers in both Indiana and Ohio with whom they work. Therefore, a program was created to recognize an outstanding roofer of the year. Last year, several nominations for the award were received from Ohio. In an effort to keep the momentum going, the chapter hopes to honor a roofing contractor in Indiana as well as Ohio in the coming year.

Nomination forms (in PDF format) are available for download at the following links:
2017 Release Form (All Projects)
2017 Nomination Form for Ohio Projects
2017 Nomination Form for Indiana Projects

Ontario Members Hold Meeting, Take to “the Sheet” for Curling

The 2017 Board of Directors of the Ontario Chapter from Front row, left to right: Kyle Boyce, John Mills, Bryan Fishburn, Russell Ibbottson, Dave McMillan, and Paul Johannesson. Second row, left to right: Jay Campbell, Denis Theriault, Shawn Irani, and Stephanie Robinson. Back row, left to right: President Jennifer Hogan, Allen Lyte, and David Agnew.

The Ontario Chapter held its annual general meeting on January 31, 2017, at the beautiful and historic Scarboro Golf Club in Toronto, Ontario. Outgoing Chapter President Bryan Fishburn chaired the meeting for 40 members. The 2016 financial reports were presented by Fishburn, and the following 2016 committee reports were presented and discussed:

  • Region VII Director’s report by Edward “Ted” Sheridan
  • Communications report by Brad Fitzpatrick
  • Education report by Paul Zanetti
  • Membership report by Russell Ibbottson
  • Social report by Denis Theriault
  • National Capital Branch report by Stephanie Robinson
  • Maritime Branch report by Gary Hamilton
  • Technical Committee report by Gary Hamilton
  • Industry Report by John Mills
  • Strategic Plan by Kathryn Spavins

Bryan Fishburn thanked the 2016 board for their volunteer time and support, and thanked chapter staff member Betty Quan for her hard work in 2016. The Ontario Chapter welcomed the 2017 chapter board. Bryan Fishburn extended a warm welcome to Jennifer Hogan as the new chapter president for 2017. The following Service Recognition Awards were presented:

Incoming 2017 President Jennifer Hogan presents the Outstanding Sponsor Award to Peter Serino of Soprema.
  • Committee Chair Award – Denis Theriault
  • Speaker of The Year Award – Darrel Henderson
  • Outstanding Sponsor Award – Peter Serino on behalf of Soprema
  • Past President Award – Bryan Fishburn

Following the annual general meeting, there were two guest speakers on hand to provide informative discussions on the following topics. Firstly, Catherine Wilson, of Goldman, Sloan, Nash, & Haber, LLP, discussed the topic of “Delay Claims” as it pertains to the construction industry. That was followed by Simon Fenn, co-founder of Fenn & Fenn Insurance Practice Inc., who discussed “Risk Management and its Relationship to Insurance.”

Curling Social

RCI Ontario Chapter members taking to the curling ice at Scarboro Golf Club.
Upon the conclusion of the annual meeting, the Ontario Chapter’s Social Committee held a curling event for the first time. An estimated 23 members took to the ice in a fun-filled event that was well received by all members who attended. A brief tutorial was provided for those in attendance who had never tried their hand at this popular Canadian sport.

Upcoming Events

  • “ROOFTech 2017” will be held at the Toronto International Centre on April 25-26, 2017, and RCI Ontario will have a display booth for the duration of the convention.
  • The Social Committee has organized the annual “RCI Ontario Chapter Golf Tournament,” which will take place at Kings Riding Golf Club on June 20, 2017.

Visit the RCI Ontario Chapter website for full details on all upcoming events.

Follow the Ontario Chapter on Facebook ( and LinkedIn (
) for up-to-date event information!

Nor Cal Branch Hosts Dinner Meeting

by Eric Smith, PE, RRO, CDT
Attendees enjoyed dinner.
On March 1, the Northern CA Branch of the So Cal Chapter hosted the first dinner meeting of 2017.

RCI President Robért Hinojosa and Region V Director Mike Gardner were both in attendance to help support the growth of this new Northern CA Branch.

The guest speaker was Colin Shane, principal from RDH , who presented on exterior wall design with exterior insulation. Attendees enjoyed a great dinner provided by Scott’s Seafood and earned 1 hour of continuing education credit from RCI and AIA.


The following people and companies supported the dinner through tabletop sponsorship:

April / May Chapter Events

16171819 - Delaware Valley Education Session and Baseball20 - Great Lakes Spring Technical Session2122
232425 - ROOFTech2017 (Toronto Chapter Attending w/booth)2627 - CAC-RCI Ext. Walls & Science Class28 -Roof Systems Thermal & Moisture (Ontario Chap.)29
30May 123 - So Cal Technical Dinner4 - Puget Sound Metal Roofing Class56
7891011 - Bldg Env. QA (Ontario Chap.)12 - Deadline to Reg. for MAC Golf Outing13
1415161718 - * MAC Educ. Session * RTS 2 (Northern Gulf Coast) * Bldg Env. QA (Carolinas)19 - * CAC-RCI Spring Mtg. * Rooftop QA (Carolinas)20