As climate change makes it impossible for code developers to rely entirely on historical data, code creators and researchers are looking elsewhere in an effort to keep looking forward. The Global Resiliency Dialogue is a joint initiative “to inform the development of building codes that draw on both building science and climate science to improve the resilience of buildings and communities to intensifying risks from weather-related natural hazards.”
Findings of the first survey of this initiative were published in January 2021, in a report entitled The Use of Climate Data and Assessment of Extreme Weather Event Risks in Building Codes Around the World. The survey was shared with building code researchers and developers around the world in an attempt to gauge how climate-based risks are being integrated into relevant national codes.
The International Code Council (ICC), National Research Council Canada, Australian Building Codes Board, the Scottish government, and New Zealand’s Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment are among the organizations developing this initiative.
You can learn more about this initiative on ICC’s website at
— ICC, Building Enclosure