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Diversity and Inclusion


The charge of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee is to advocate diversity and inclusion issues at IIBEC and in the building enclosure profession.


IIBEC is committed to being inclusive of all individuals, regardless of race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, or disability. As an organization, we will focus on the opportunities identified in this plan—both as individuals and as a collective group. IIBEC is devoted to developing and implementing a comprehensive strategy to bring about meaningful change in this world. We are here to listen; we are here to support; we are here to work together to build an equitable future for our industry.

IIBEC’s Investments in D&I

  • Issued a statement of support for racial equality, which included a mission, responsibilities, and strategic pillars (Attracting and onboarding, engaging and developing, and building the culture)
  • Commissioned 2021 Built Environment Social Equity Survey and IIBEC customized report.
  • Retained D&E consultant to collaborate and advise the task force.
  • Revised IIBEC literature to be gender-neutral.
  • Offered education sessions on Bias and Diversity at IIBEC events.

IIBEC’s Statement in Support of Racial Equality
(approved by the IIBEC Board of Directors 2022)

As an organization, The International Institute of Building Enclosure Consultants (IIBEC) stands firmly in support of efforts to eradicate racial injustice and provide opportunity for under-represented communities. Our association will work together with our members and industry partners to champion efforts that create sustainable transformation in our profession.

We encourage our members to:

  • Educate themselves to have a better understanding of and be more informed about race
    relations, history, and systemic issues in the black community.
  • Foster safe environments for, and listen to employees, clients, and peers who are directly
    affected by racism/inequality.
  • Engage in meaningful and productive conversations on racial issues with stakeholders, and
    develop solutions to promote equality.
  • Diversify employment, contracting, and general association.
  • Support services, materials, expertise, scholarships, and organizations that advocate for
  • Stand up, speak out, and act against racism and inequality.

IIBEC is committed to be inclusive of all individuals, regardless of race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, or disability. As  an organization, we will focus on areas of growth—both as individuals and as a collective group. IIBEC is devoted to developing and implementing a comprehensive strategy to bring about meaningful change. We are here to listen; we are here to support; and we are here to work together to build an equitable future for our industry.

— Approved by the IIBEC Executive Committee, July 13, 2020

Recruitment and Workplace Resources

In its effort to lead the charge in bringing about meaningful changes that address institutional racism and biases in the building enclosure industry, the IIBEC Diversity and Inclusion Task Force has compiled the below list of resources to aid in recruitment and/or workplace practices.


CEO Action for Diversity & InclusionOther

National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)Association

National Women in Roofing (NWiR)Association
NWiR - REAL Roofing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Training Program
Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE)Association
Society of Women Engineers (SWE)Association
Hispanic Alliance for Career Enhancement (HACE)Hiring/Recruitment
The Canadian Association of Women in Construction (CAWIC)Association
Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU)Other
Historically Black Colleges & Universities (HBCUs)Other
B-Lab Best Practices Guide: Diversity & Inclusion in Your WorkplaceOther
Diversity CentralOther
Accessible Community Counselling and Employment Services (ACCES)Hiring/Recruitment
Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council (TRIEC)Hiring/Recruitment
American Association for Access, Equity and DiversityOther
Black Business and Professional Association (BBPA)Association
Black Community - Diversity Institute - Ryerson University Other
National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering (NACME)Other
Toronto Community Benefit Network (TCBN)Other
Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion (CCDI)Other



Why does IIBEC care about diversity and inclusion?  Why has IIBEC formed a Diversity and Inclusion Committee?

Over the past several years, social justice and racial inequity have been spotlighted, through movements, and activism in response to several prominent events including the tragic murder of George Floyd.  During this period, IIBEC members from across our regions challenged IIBEC to be more active, and unify with others in the construction industry to bring about positive change by creating more inclusion and diversity.  Initially IIBEC formed a Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) Task Force to provide a safe space for members to converse about related subject matter and to hypothesize about what IIBEC can do to better reflect our broader communities within the organization.   The D&I Task Force was composed of members from each of IIBEC’s seven regions, members of the executive committee, and IIBEC staff.  Through open dialogue and consensus we defined our charge which was approved by the executive committee.  Recently we celebrated the promotion of the D&I task force to an IIBEC committee.  We then collaborated with an outside consultant to develop a D&I strategic plan, and are working on several exciting initiatives to bring measurable change and attract the next generation of talent to IIBEC!

What does “diversity” mean?  What does “diversity” mean to IIBEC?

Diversity is the ethos of respecting our differences and lived experiences, while understanding that we all have the same goals and needs for personal development, safety and success. To IIBEC, diversity is the understanding that we are a group of people with different identities, backgrounds, cultures and ethnicities, all pulling together to improve our industry.

How can I support diversity at IIBEC?  How can I get involved?

Please contact either the committee chairs André Coppin and/or Szymon Zienkiewicz, committee members, or IIBEC staff.  We welcome anyone who is willing to contribute to make IIBEC a more inclusive organization where members and guests can be comfortable, safe and feel encouraged to thrive.

How does the D&I Committee operate?

The committee meets virtually once per month and in person during IIBEC International Convention and Tradeshow, generally held in March.  During our sessions we have open discussions about diversity and inclusion subject matter and everyone is encouraged to contribute, share ideas, provide feedback, learn from one another, and develop initiatives that further the efforts of inclusion and diversity in the organization.

What’s the difference between advocacy and diversity and inclusion?

Advocacy is the general charge of the organization to support and represent IIBEC consultant members as a whole, to the industry and external community. Diversity and inclusion looks at the development of the organization and its members in areas regarding social justice to better reflect the makeup of society. IIBEC supports these charges through parallel committees of Advocacy and Diversity and Inclusion.

Some ways you can be inclusive may include:

  • Learning about and understanding the effects of unconscious bias.
  • Respecting members and all genders, backgrounds, experiences, skills, and cultural values.
  • Improving your awareness through educating yourself on the topic, and listening to perspectives of others.
  • Raising awareness for and communicating the challenges underrepresented communities face.