The RCI Document Competition was established in 1989 to showcase members’ exceptional work products. Traditionally, participation has been incentivized with recognition during the RCI convention and trade show with display of all document competition entries and winning entrants awarded with plaques, RCI Dollars, and publication in RCI Interface. In recent years, participation in the competition has not grown. It is my hope that the addition of a new category and refocus of the competition on the betterment of our work product in RCI and industry-wide will encourage greater participation and revitalize the RCI Document Competition.
In recognition that RCI Consultant and Quality Assurance Observer members often develop documents that may not fit well into the other project categories, a new “Special Projects” category has been added to the 2018 competition. These entries can include smaller construction projects less than $250,000 where more unique repair documents are developed, a single unique repair to address a special condition, a more graphical peer review, or any other document type that does not necessarily align with the Report or Large and Small construction project categories. This new category is intended to prevent exclusion and encourage wider participation by RCI members in the competition.
The primary mission of RCI is to support its members and improve the overall quality of the industry. We achieve this mission through knowledge sharing and educational offerings. However, exceptional knowledge is ineffective without efficient means of communication. The goal of the RCI Document Competition is to solicit quality work products from our members and to share it, thereby improving the overall quality of the work product of RCI members. Without widespread participation by our most experienced and knowledgeable members, this goal falls short.
As the incoming chair of the Document Competition Committee, please join me in taking a serious look at RCI’s Document Competition. We hope that the addition of the new category will inspire participation by members who have unique or specialized projects. In addition, it is hoped that a renewed focus on contribution to the betterment of the industry will inspire greater participation by our accomplished membership. I challenge you to participate in the 2018 RCI Document Competition and earn the respect of your peers.
Whatever your background, all RCI Consultant, Consultant Affiliate, and Quality Assurance Observer members are invited to submit entries for the 2018 Document Competition. Entries must be postmarked on or before September 30, 2017, to be considered. Please download the PDF of 2018 competition entry forms from the RCI website at There is no fee to enter the competition. Complete an entry form for each entry submitted and send entries to the attention of RCI Document Competition, RCI, Inc., 1500 Sunday Drive, Suite 204, Raleigh, NC 27607.
The winners of the 2018 RCI Document Competition will receive a plaque and recognition during the annual awards luncheon at the 33rd RCI International Convention and Trade Show in Houston, TX, publicity for their winning documents in RCI Interface, and valuable RCI Dollars. Prizes will be awarded to 12 winners in four categories.