FM Global on February 9, 2023, announced changes to its Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets. Revisions to DS 1-15, DS 1-17, DS 1-34, and DS 1-35 are of particular interest to building-enclosure consultants.
For DS 1-15, Roof-Mounted Solar Photovoltaic Panels, an interim revision adds guidance related to the recommended wind Importance Factor, clarifies guidance related to minimum and maximum roof slopes, and adds recommendations related to fire concerns as supported by loss experience. A full revision to DS-1-17, newly titled Reflective Wall and Ceiling Insulation, removes guidance for non-FM Approved reflective insulations installed at existing buildings. An interim revision to DS 1-34, Hail Damage, adjusts three figure legends and adds guidance on selecting skylights and heat and smoke vents with VSH and SH+ ratings. Last, DS 1-35, newly titled Vegetative Roof Systems, Occupied Roof Areas and Decks, adds guidance for growth media when the windspeed is greater than or equal to 100 mph (63 m/s) as well as guidance for intensive vegetative roof systems including decks and when areas are elevated above the roof assembly.
See the revised Loss Prevention Data Sheets.
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