Initially established with funds from the “Call to Heart” at the RCI Convention and Trade Show in Orlando a couple of years ago, this fund provides a travel stipend, hotel, meal stipend, convention registration, and a complimentary one-year student membership to RCI. Average cost has been $1,700 per student.
This year, the Foundation Board hopes to raise $50,000 for this fund. To date, the Foundation has received over $30,000 designated by donors to support this fund.
Here is what some of the students who attended the convention last year had to say:
“Participating in the RCI Convention was such a great opportunity for me. I enjoyed visiting with the experts in the field of building envelope as well as becoming familiar with the new achievements and products at the tradeshow.” – Simin Imani Rad, NC State University
Would you or your company like to help out? Please contact Development Officer Rick Gardner at, 919-859-0742 or visit: