The RCI Foundation has approved a challenge grant totaling $20,000 to the University of Texas at Austin for predicting crack geometry to improve product selection methods. The research, which is being coordinated by Professor Chadi El Mohtar, will hopefully provide solutions in determining injection grout selection based on observing the behavior of a non-Newtonian flushing fluid injected into concrete cracks or joints. Ultimately, the researchers aim to provide the waterproofing industry with a much-improved system for product selection and quality control that is more quantifiable than an operator’s “feel” and experience in selecting grout viscosity.
The research is being co-sponsored with matching funds from the University of Texas at Austin, and hopes are that it will be concluded by September of 2019.
Dr. El Mohtar is an associate professor in the Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin. He holds a master’s degree from Michigan State University and a PhD from Purdue University, both in civil engineering.
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