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IIBEC Certification Council

IIBEC Certification Council

In accordance with IIBEC’s third-party accreditation efforts, the IIBEC Certification Council (ICC) was created to serve as the governing body for IIBEC’s certification programs. Currently, the Certified Building Enclosure Commissioning Provider (CBECxP) credential is offered by IIBEC, although other certifications may be developed in the future. Safeguarding impartiality and maintaining balance in IIBEC’s certification activities are essential. Thus, the IIBEC Certification Council is comprised of seven (7) individuals from diverse backgrounds with building enclosure technical expertise.

Per the provisions of the IIBEC Bylaws, the IIBEC Policy Guidelines Manual, the IIBEC Certification Council Charter and the IIBEC Certification Council Programs Manual, the IIBEC Certification Council (ICC) has permanent, autonomous authority regarding essential elements of IIBEC certification programs including: defining the scope of certification; establishing and maintaining policies and procedures; seeking and maintaining third-party accreditation; establishing certification eligibility and re-certification requirements; overseeing the development, administration, and scoring of examinations; establishing and administering appeal, complaint, and disciplinary policies; selecting subject matter experts; and operating within the approved budget. The ICC does not have the authority to develop, deliver, endorse, or approve education, training, or examination preparation products designed to prepare candidates for certification.

What is the IIBEC Certification Council?

The IIBEC Certification Council “is a permanent, autonomous decision-making body governing for IIBEC Certification Programs, including the Certified Building Enclosure Commissioning Provider (CBECxP) credential and credentials possibly developed in the future in response to emerging market trends in the building enclosure industry.”


What is the mission of the IIBEC Certification Council?

The IIBEC Certification Council (ICC) shall have sole authority regarding essential elements of IIBEC Certification Programs including: defining the scope of a certification; establishing and maintaining policies and procedures; seeking and maintaining third-party accreditation; establishing eligibility and requirements for initial certification and re-certification; overseeing the development, administration, and scoring of examinations; establishing and administering disciplinary policies; selecting subject matter experts; and operating within approved budgets.


What are the responsibilities of the IIBEC Certification Council?

The IIBEC Certification Council shall liaise with the IIBEC Certification Program staffperson(s) responsible for the administration and operation of the IIBEC Certification Program. As needed, the IIBEC Certification Council may serve as a conduit to the greater building enclosure commissioning industry, focusing on issues of significance to IIBEC and its members in relation to the creation of future IIBEC Certification Program credentials.


Separation of IIBEC Certification Council from Education, Training, and Exam Preparation

As agreed in writing and attested by signature, an ICC participant shall not have any involvement in the development or delivery of any activities for the granting of continuing education hours (CEH) while serving on the ICC and for two (2) years following expiry of that individual’s ICC service. No unique or specified IIBEC or non-IIBEC training course/material, educational course/material, or exam preparation is required for the granting of an IIBEC certification credential. The ICC does not review, approve, or endorse exam preparation education, training, courses, or materials.


Confidentiality, Conflict of Interest, and Impartiality Statement

IIBEC is committed to impartiality. Annually, all personnel involved in IIBEC Certification Programs including IIBEC employees and IIBEC volunteers, shall be required to sign confidentiality/conflict of interest attestations to ensure confidentiality of applicant data, certificant data, and applicable ICC and certification programs information except as required by law or authorized by the applicant, certificant, or IIBEC. IIBEC is committed to fairness and non-discrimination in the conduct of its business and in interactions with any individual (i.e., applicant; prospective applicant; certificant; IIBEC employee, vendor, or volunteer), as it relates to any status protected by law.

IIBEC Certification Council
Term 2024 – 2027

• Enzo Amirzadeh, LEED GA, CBECxP, RRO
• Fan Feng, PE, REWO, RRO, CDT
• Thomas Gernetzke, F-IIBEC, RBEC, REWC, RRC, RWC, CBECxP
• Ben Hixson, CCCA, CCS, CIT, QCxP
• Michael Popeck, RRC