-Rick Mosco, IIBEC Southern California Chapter President
The IIBEC Southern California Chapter was pleased to host its Summer Social and annual membership drive, on July 14, 2022 at Ballast Point Brewing, in Long Beach, California.
Guests were greeted by Chapter President Rick Mosco, who kicked things off with local chapter updates along with upcoming IIBEC event reminders.
Guests enjoyed a delicious dinner and brews right along the Long Beach marina, and then were treated to a beautiful sunset. The chapter raffled off some wonderful prizes including registration for the upcoming 20th Annual Golf Tournament, registration for the 2023 Hawaii Winter Workshop, a pair of AirPods Pro, and a Ballast Point Brewing Co. gift basket. The chapter encouraged attendance by providing discounted registration to the event for non-members and for members who brought a non-member. Also, if any non-members registered as an IIBEC member by July 22, we refunded their registration fee to the membership drive. I am happy to report that we signed up at least one new member!
The chapter looks forward to providing more in-person meeting opportunities to Region V. In August, we will be hosting a technical dinner meeting, “Building Movement Joints” presented by Sophia Salah, PE and Luke Niezelski, PE of Simpson Gumpertz and Heger. The chapter extends their appreciation to Axis Building Leak Detection and SOPREMA for sponsoring refreshments for this event. They would also like to especially thank their event sponsor, Specified Sales. The chapter thanks to all of those who took the time to attend.
Please note: Dates and times subject to change based on local and/or state and province regulations.
Looking for information on joining or volunteering with your local chapter? You can find a full list of IIBEC’s affiliated chapters and branches here. Are you interested in starting a local branch in your area? Please contact IIBEC Manager of Region and Chapter Relations Tara Cottle for more information.