The IIBEC New England Chapter is pleased to announce the award of three scholarships totaling $2,750. The awards were given to three students from Massasoit Community College, Canton, MA. These deserving students are graduating from the Architecture Technology Department. Each student was asked to write a short paragraph or two about their experiences and goals for their careers. The IIBEC NEC board of directors reviewed the submissions and selected the students to receive the scholarships.
The recipients are:
“I look toward the future. I plan to attend a four-year university to further my education, and have already applied to universities in California, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island. These universities all offer undergraduate degrees in architecture. My goal is to continue my studies in architecture and then apply it to designing accessible buildings that benefit the differently abled and deaf/hard of hearing. I believe it is important to provide inclusion for all.” -Alisia Metante
“After graduating from Massasoit, I plan to take a year off to work in the construction field to gain more hands-on experience and do a summer internship at an architecture firm to gain more drafting and planning knowledge. Afterwards, I plan on continuing my education at Wentworth Institute of Technology to get my bachelor’s in building science and then go to grad school to get my master’s in architecture.” -Ana Enamorado
“What I plan to do after I graduate from Massasoit is go to a 4-year program. I have been accepted to Wentworth and am waiting to hear from Roger Williams and Northeastern. I would like to continue with the architecture program. I hope to eventually get my master’s in architecture. I would also like to minor in business so one day I may be able to open my own business.” -Emily Barry
“I am very happy for the students,” wrote Robyn Parker, AIA, LEED AP, department co-chair, Architectural Technology, Massasoit Community College. “I appreciate what IIBEC has done and continues to do for our students. Hopefully I will have the opportunity to attend a future IIBEC dinner and thank the organization in person.”
This continues a tradition of the chapter awarding scholarships to architectural technology students at MCC. The scholarships were first awarded in the spring of 2016 and have continued annually.
The IIBEC Southern Ontario Chapter hosted their first educational event during social distancing on June 4, 2020. The morning webinar was hosted by Rick Buist of Tremco Vegetative Roofing, and moderated by Kyle Boyce, director of education for IIBEC Southern Ontario Chapter and market development manager of Tremco Roofing. The webinar, on the topic of “Green Roof Failures: What’s to Blame?” was attended by 21 industry professionals and focused on the best practices in green roofing, including how to successfully design, install, and maintain a healthy, successful green roof. The presentation was well received, and the chapter thanks all who attended.
The IIBEC Southern Ontario Chapter is dedicated to providing ongoing education to its chapter members, and welcomes suggestions for future webinar ideas. Please reach out to Betty Quan at if you have any recommendations.
Upcoming Events:
Visit the IIBEC Southern Ontario Chapter website for details on all upcoming events.
Follow the chapter on Facebook and LinkedIn for up-to-date event information.
On May 4, 2020, the IIBEC Mid-Atlantic and Virginia Chapters mentored and judged the Student Design Competition at Virginia Tech’s School of Architecture + Design. These mentors generously donated their time on multiple days to help the students: Matt Schofield, PE; Derek B. Cundiff, RBEC, AIA; Sam Zalok, PE; and honorary mentor, IIBEC Puget Sound Chapter member Michael Kramer, who was roped in to help with CLT. Also assisting with judging was nonmember Derek Ziese, PE. Despite the challenges of online learning, this was the best competition yet!
On June 3, 2020, the IIBEC Chicago Area Chapter hosted their first in a series of virtual summer programs. The program, titled “Covid-19 at Chicagoland Construction Sites,” was presented by Ralph Barszcz, vice president of safety for Leopardo Companies. The program included tips on how to recognize and abide by common practices to keep yourself and others safe at construction sites, as well as key safety guidelines related to Covid-19.
On July 1, 2020, “Gaining Traction in your Building Enclosure Consulting Business” was presented by Beckie Hayes, founder of Merchab Consulting Group, Inc.
Upcoming IIBEC Chicago Area Chapter virtual programs have been scheduled for the following dates this year:
Presented by Peter Grotenhuis, Midwest area sales manager for Advanced Architectural Products/Smart CI Systems
Presented by Shaun Katz, sales manager for Detec Systems, LLC.
For more details on these upcoming webinars, please visit
IIBEC Chicago’s fall program and holiday social has been tentatively scheduled for November 6, 2020, at Revolution Brew Pub in Chicago, IL. The chapter will continue to monitor local and national Covid-19 guidance with regards to best practices for gatherings, and will provide updates on LinkedIn and on the chapter’s website, The program will include two technical presentations:
Lastly, IIBEC has once again recognized the IIBEC Chicago Area Chapter with Platinum ranking for the 2020 Outstanding Affiliated Chapter Award for the chapter’s efforts in 2019. This award was initially scheduled to be presented during the awards luncheon at the 2020 IIBEC International Convention and Trade Show, which was held as a virtual event due to the Covid-19 outbreak. Instead, the chapter will receive the award at the IIBEC Building Enclosure Symposium+ (BES+) this November in Houston.
The IIBEC Western Canada Chapter will hold a summer webinar on August 12, 2020. Gord Rajewski of Pinchin will present “Resilience for Existing Buildings in the Face of Climate Change.”
The IIBEC Southern Ontario Chapter’s annual golf tournament is scheduled for September 16, 2020, at Lionhead Golf Tournament.