Wayne Nils Tobiasson was born on April 1, 1939 and passed away from lung cancer on August 14, 2020. He studied civil engineering at Northeastern University (BSCE, 1961) and Dartmouth College’s Thayer School (MEng, 1974). He was a valued supporter of IIBEC since its beginnings. In return, coupled with his roofing research contributions, he was named an honorary member in 1995. Tobiasson retired from a 39-year career working at the US Army Corps of Engineers: Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) in 1997. In the words of IIBEC Director of Technical Services Walt Rossiter, “His contributions to the roofing community, particularly moisture movement through roof systems and its effect on them, were unmatched.” Memories may be shared at: https://www.mykeeper.com/profile/WayneTobiasson/.
Jennifer Hogan, RRO, LEED AP, Certified Passive House Consultant, has been appointed the director of marketing and business development on Pretium’s Executive Committee. Pretium is a specialist building science, mechanical and structural consulting engineering firm. She has been instrumental in developing their business development and client service sectors over the last few years. She will continue as operations manager at Pretium’s Burlington office, as well as being involved in project-related work.
As with other appointments to the Executive Committee, this role is for a term of three years.
Bart Tate, RRO, has joined Smith Seckman Reid, Inc., as a building enclosure regional manager in the firm’s Houston office. With over 15 years leading all phases of building enclosure-related projects, Tate will be a local resource to enhance the quality of services SSR offers to Houston and the surrounding region. With the addition of Tate, SSR adds building enclosure services to the MEP, technology, medical equipment planning, and commissioning services already in place in Houston.
Tate is a Registered Roof Observer (RRO) who is active in IIBEC, the Building Enclosure Council, and the AGC Construction Leadership Council. He is currently president of the IIBEC Gulf Coast Chapter.