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Cobb County Procurement Decision is Win for Industry

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May 22, 2019

cooperative purchasing

By Director of Industry Affairs Brian Gardner

IIBEC Georgia Chapter members from Cobb County, GA (Past Presidents Pat Downey and Arthur “Chip” Ward), IIBEC First Vice President Scott Hinesley, and Director of Industry Affairs Brian Gardner met in April with Cobb County purchasing administrators to discuss the county’s procurement of construction via cooperative purchasing.

On May 14, Cobb County (Georgia’s third-most populous county), which had previously utilized cooperative purchasing to procure roofing projects, decided to no longer use cooperatives in such a manner. This decision will have national repercussions, as Cobb County served as an administrator for a nationwide cooperative roofing program.

“Our team was very impressed with Cobb County officials, as they professionally considered all of our arguments and did their own due diligence. We are very pleased these dedicated professionals decided to procure roofing via design-bid-build with the assistance of independent design professionals,” remarked Pat Downey.

“Cobb County administrators engaged with us in a highly professional and substantive manner. I, as a county taxpayer, especially appreciate their interaction with our team. I believe this is how government and industry should work together to provide sound, smart, and efficient public policy,” stated Chip Ward.

“This is terrific news for taxpayers and IIBEC members. The fact that Cobb County has now made this important decision is the result of a job well done,” commented Mike Clark, past president of IIBEC and a Georgia Chapter member.

“I applaud Cobb County’s decision and thank them for providing us an opportunity to present our case for responsible procurement,” remarked First Vice President Scott Hinesley.

“We congratulate IIBEC Georgia Chapter for its superlative efforts in promoting responsible construction procurement,” EVP/CEO Lionel van der Walt added.

“This is an excellent example of an effective grassroots “boots-on-the-ground” effort by IIBEC chapters to promote responsible construction procurement in their local area,” stated Advocacy Committee Chairman Tom Gernetzke.

4 responses to “Cobb County Procurement Decision is Win for Industry”

    • These fine men should be applauded by every person in the roofing discipline. Manufacturers, Distributors, Consultants, and Contractors. Most of all, the TAXPAYERS..

      It is never a good idea to limit competition in favor of a single vendor on any Public Project..

      The significance cannot be properly understood by the layman, but I happen to think it’s the most courageous, dedicated, and tireless, effort I’ve ever seen in this industry. (45 years)

      My Friends Mr. Scott Hinesley, Mr. Brian Gardner, and Mr. Tom Gernetzke. should wear this achievement as a Badge of Honor..

      I’m very happy the Cobb County Commission was receptive to “Fair Competition” for the taxpayers. This affects all 50 States, Canada, and to a degree, the United Kingdom.

      I’m so happy, I could cry. Thank God I lived to see it.

      Thank you from the bottom of my heart to EVERYONE who participated in the effort.

      Tonight, I’m going into my neighbor’s garden (Mrs. Chen), pick some flowers, start building a “Float”. for them, and pull it down Main Street, USA.

      Much Respect.

      Robert R. Solomon
      Public Procurement Analyst
      Fla. Certified CCC1325620
      Tampa, Fla.


  1. As an organization that utilizes the Design Bid Build approach, the “devil is in the details”. Make sure that your design professional prepares thorough specifications and drawings. Also, I recommend utilizing a pre-qualified list of contractors to bid. Keep in mind the lowest bid wins, and you have to be careful what you wish for.

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