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IIBEC Works with U.S. Congress to Pass Legislative Language to Ensure Responsible, Cost-Effective, and Fair Procurement Practices

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July 10, 2019
By Jeff Taylor

IIBEC is pleased to report that in June, the U.S. House of Representatives approved responsible construction procurement legislative report language in its FY’20 appropriations process.

For the second year in a row, the U.S. House Appropriations Financial Services and General Government subcommittee has included direction to the General Services Administration (GSA) focused on ensuring “responsible, cost-effective, and fair procurement practices” in construction-related matters.

The IIBEC congressional language can be located under ‘Design Services’ on page 59 of the
U.S. House Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Bill, 2020 Report at

It reads:

IIBEC reps in front of US Rep Price's office
IIBEC representatives visit the offices of U.S. Rep. David Price (D-NC) to discuss responsible procurement of construction projects. Left to right: IIBEC Director of Industry Affairs Brian Gardiner, Former IIBEC CEO Lionel van der Walt, First Vice President Scott Hinesley, Advocacy Chair Tom Gernetzke, Past President Mike Clark, and current President Bob Card.

Design Services – The Committee recognizes the need for transparency and oversight of Federally funded design services and construction projects to ensure responsible, cost-effective, and fair procurement practices. The Committee supports efforts to ensure proper transparency and oversight of such design services and construction projects, which are often complex and site specific. Within six months of the enactment of this Act, GSA is directed to submit a report to the Committee addressing the enforcement of any existing regulations requiring that independent design professionals be consulted on Federally funded design services and construction projects, as prescribed by the Brooks Act and Federal Acquisition Regulation Part 36. The report should include how many violations have been identified over the last five years and any steps GSA has taken to mitigate any future violations.

IIBEC wants to especially thank U.S. Rep. David Price (D-NC), for taking the lead on passing this critical language through Congress. Congressman Price is currently the chairman of the U.S. House Appropriations Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development subcommittee.

“We want to thank Chairman Price and his staff for supporting IIBEC and leading the efforts on ensuring responsible procurement for a second year in a row. Well done, Congressman Price,” remarked Brian Pallasch, IIBEC CEO.

“Every member of Congress has many demands on their time and resources, and so we especially appreciate Congressman Price for his consistent efforts to ensure construction procurement transparency, adherence to the Brooks Act and Federal Acquisition Regulation Part 36,” said IIBEC Director of Industry Affairs Brian Gardiner.

Last year, in 2018, Congressman Price worked with IIBEC and was successful in getting Congress to pass responsible construction procurement language into the U.S. House Appropriations Financial Services and General Government subcommittee report (

One response to “IIBEC Works with U.S. Congress to Pass Legislative Language to Ensure Responsible, Cost-Effective, and Fair Procurement Practices”

  1. Is it possible to receive a copy of the legislation so that we in Canada can help pass similar legislation at provincial / federal levels. Thanks in advance for this.

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