IIBEC offers a series of educational courses and seminars throughout the year in the U.S. and Canada covering all segments of the building enclosure. Seminar material is continually updated with the latest technology and industry practices. Courses are taught by IIBEC professional staff and field professionals or IIBEC volunteers with years of experience and a wealth of expertise.
IIBEC’s knowledgeable instructors offer more than just technical data. Presenters offer relevant solutions referencing examples from applications in the field. IIBEC educational programs feature an open, inclusive environment that encourages attendees to ask questions and stimulates dialogue — so can you get the answers you need.
IIBEC’s Online Learning Platform (LearnUpon) offers a robust catalog of on-demand education covering a variety of topics. Engage in IIBEC education courses when it works for your schedule!
Courses available in LearnUpon include: Reroofing Rooftop Quality Assurance Roof Technology and Science I & II RRC Review and Update …. and more!
To review IIBEC and IIBEC Chapter scheduled live education courses/events, we encourage you to visit the Calendar of Events. Events are added throughout the year as they are scheduled.
Building Enclosure Quality Assurance is a one-day course for professionals interested in field inspections and quality of applications, including material manufacturers, general contractors, quality assurance observers, and field inspectors. This course covers the diverse and challenging aspects of roofing, waterproofing, and exterior walls encountered in the field. Highlights of the course include the role and responsibilities of the quality observer, contract administration, and construction contract documents.
This two-day course is the first specific exterior wall course that builds upon the fundamentals presented in Exterior Walls Technology and Science. The purpose of the course is to provide an in-depth understanding of exterior concrete wall systems that serve as part of the building enclosure system. This course will cover properties of concrete materials that affect their use in building enclosures, applicable codes and standards, design and construction requirements, and evaluating, repairing, and maintaining exterior concrete walls.
Exterior Wall Quality Assurance is an 8-hour course for professionals interested in observing exterior wall systems to document whether they are installed in accordance with construction documents. The program covers diverse topics in the construction of exterior walls, including air barriers, vapor retarders, water-resistive barriers, insulation, flashing, concrete, EIFS, masonry, stucco, and terracotta. It is intended for manufacturers, general contractors, quality assurance observers, and field inspectors.
This two-day course provides basic exterior wall technology and terminology that will be used as the fundamental base for additional exterior wall course offerings. The course covers a broad range of topics, including types and function of exterior walls, psychrometrics and moisture movement, design objectives and building code requirements, wall penetrations, materials, coatings and water repellents, and sealants. This course is aimed at those preparing to expand their knowledge into exterior walls and at those already practicing in this area who want to further develop their knowledge in exterior wall technology.
Metal has unique properties that separate it from other roof choices. For over three millennia, metal roofing has been a durable, aesthetically appealing design element utilized for significant buildings. The introduction of corrugated metal roofing in the late 19th century became a welcome economical, fire-resistant roofing option. Metal roofing continues to evolve with technological advances in alloys, coatings, and the use of “floating” standing-seam roof panels. Course content is intended to provide attendees with a comprehensive understanding of metal roofing.
This two-day course is a classroom extension of the RCI Manual of Practice. It provides an overview of consultant roles that are unique to the roofing, exterior walls, and waterproofing industry. The course also identifies the consultant practices that are common to these three broad disciplines. The course examines building enclosure consultants and discusses what they do and how they do it and is a recommended foundation course for becoming more specialized.
This two-day course is a first component of a two-part series covering, in detail, aspects of the technology and science of roofing. The course covers the history and evolution of roofing up to present-day common applications. The course features terminology and technical information regarding roof decks and structures, roof insulation, bitumen membranes, built-up and modified-bitumen membranes, and flashing systems. An understanding of heat transfer theory, moisture, thermal design, and the calculation of U-factors will also be presented.
This is the second course of a two-part series covering, in detail, aspects of the technology and science of roofing. Highlights of the program include: fundamentals of single-ply, polyurethane foam, and PMR roof systems; basic concepts and terminology of metal roofing; steep roof design and installation of asphalt shingles, tiles, wood shakes, and shingles; building codes; fire testing/ratings of roofing; and a basic understanding of wind interaction upon roofing.
Rooftop Quality Assurance is a one-day course for professionals interested in performing observation to assure that roof installation is consistent with construction documents. The program covers the diverse and challenging aspects of roofing as encountered in the field and is ideal for roofing material manufacturers, general contractors, quality assurance observers, and field inspectors.
This one-day course is structured for those who have already passed the RRC exam and want a review of skills and to be updated with new information, and those who have the necessary tools to complete the RRC registration exam and desire a quick brush-up on technical topics as a review. Covered during the program: wind design, including ASCE 7 and FM Global requirements; thermal calculations; CSI changes; green-roofing principles; and roof asset management (RAM) calculations. Updated information is provided in all areas.
This one-day course is structured for those who design vegetated green roofs or who are responsible for correcting vegetated green roof thermal or moisture protection performance problems. Vegetated green roof design is a technically demanding and evolving growth industry. This course provides guidance in the areas of design criteria, system selection, reference standards, and flashing principles and will discuss the influences of Factory Mutual, ASTM, GRHC, and NRCA publications and guidelines.
The two-day course is designed for the practicing consultant and those who are aspiring to become Registered Waterproofing Consultants. This course focuses on split-slab plaza deck systems, surface-applied waterproofing, and below-grade waterproofing. The course starts with a review of differences among roofing, dampproofing, and waterproofing.
When polled, 98% of attendees described IIBEC educational events as worthwhile and said they would attend future programs.
IIBEC Continuing Educational Hours Approved by IIBEC.
LU/HSW Units from American Institute of Architects. Approved for Health, Safety and Welfare credit.
IIBEC Educational Programs can be offered by IIBEC or by IIBEC Chapters. Program content is identical, however; registration methods may vary.
The 2025 IIBEC Building Enclosure Symposium (BES) is now accepting abstract submissions through January 17, 2025.
The 2025 IIBEC BES will take place at the St. Louis Union Station Hotel in St. Louis, Missouri, October 26-28, 2025. Will you be one of the presenters? IIBEC is seeking technical articles and presentations for consideration. Put your skills, knowledge, and talent to work for your profession!
Submit Your Abstract Today!
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