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Lights! Camera! Auction!

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February 2, 2017

The RCI Convention and Trade Show in Anaheim, CA is coming up, and as always, there will be a charity auction to benefit the RCI Foundations. On March 19, from 5:30 to 8 p.m., the Pacific Ballroom on the 2nd floor of the Hilton Anaheim will house the RCI Foundations’ Annual Fundraiser.

Signed Josh Hamilton Texas Ranger baseball jersey
We have already received a dozen or so items for the auction. Some of the items received include:

Charlie Daniels Band signed Epiphone Limited Edition Les Paul electric guitar
  • A signed Josh Hamilton Texas Ranger Baseball Jersey
  • “Stone Ribs & Giant Crab” a pencil line drawing by Gryn White, one of the most famous Haida artists from British Columbia
  • A week’s stay at Marriott’s Shadow Ridge Villages, Palm Desert, CA
  • A bottle of Connemara Irish Whiskey
  • A silver eagle pendant by Namgis First Nation artist Herb Lancaster
  • Original oil paintings, Connemara Irish Whiskey
  • A Charlie Daniels Band-signed Epiphone Limited Edition Les Paul Electric Guitar
  • A nine-night stay at a cottage on Cape Cod
  • Two original oil paintings of life in Connemara by Barbara Cunningham (Rebecca Cunningham’s mother)

The auction helps fund convention attendance for up to 25 current college students studying architecture, engineering and construction management. It also supports research, education and information sharing in the building envelope industry.

We are still looking for items for this year’s auction. For more information, please contact Rick Gardner, RCI Foundations Development Officer at 919-859-0742 or If you wish to contribute but do not have time to shop, we will happily accept cash donations and do your shopping for you. Just fill out the donation form at