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Message from President Mike Clark

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January 28, 2019

Good day. My name is Mike Clark. I am the president of RCI. And I am recording this video today to help communicate to our membership some important information about our search for a new Executive Vice President and CEO of RCI. We have formed a search committee that consists of the Executive Committee of RCI, plus one additional outside consultant member. Helping us with this search is an outside consulting firm, Association Strategies. They are the same firm that helped us approximately 18 months ago with our search for a new EVP/CEO at that time, which resulted in Lionel van der Walt being hired. No doubt you have seen or heard of Lionel’s recent video, where he announced that he will be leaving RCI. Association Strategies is currently screening resumes of prospective EVP/CEO candidates. The proposed timeline consists of interviewing semi-finalists the first week of April, and the full board of directors interviewing the two finalists around the middle of April. It is our intent that the process be completed, and a new EVP/CEO be selected for RCI on or before Lionel’s departure at the end of May or the beginning of June of this year. Thank you very much for your attention. If you have any additional questions or concerns about this process, please do not hesitate to reach out to me by email. Thank you.

2 responses to “Message from President Mike Clark”

  1. Why is the SAME Search Firm being used that produced the short-term results the last time it was employed?

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