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New Board, Foundations’ Auction, and Annual Presidents Banquet Mark Final Day of the 2025 IIBEC International Convention and Trade Show

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March 10, 2025
Immediate Past President Robért Hinojosa (left) and IIBEC President Chris Dawkins.

Orlando, Florida—IIBEC announced the results of its recent board and officer elections during the final day of its 2025 International Convention and Trade Show on Sunday, March 9, during its Annual Meeting of the Members. The day also included the RCI-IIBEC Foundations’ Live Auction and the President’s Annual Banquet, as well as numerous education sessions.

During the Annual Meeting of the Members, IIBEC President Robért Hinojosa, F-IIBEC, RBEC, RRC, RWC, REWC, RRO, REWO, PE, CDT, ran through several organization highlights and looked forward to IIBEC becoming an accredited certification body. IIBEC Second Vice President Jennifer Hogan, REWC, RRO, LEED AP, Certified Passive House Consultant, said the event had drawn a record number of attendees, and Secretary/Treasurer Burt Carver, RRC, RRO, reported good financial results for IIBEC during the past year.

Michael Clark, F–IIBEC, RBEC, PE, then announced the 2025 IIBEC election results, which are as follows:

Top, left to right: Eric R. Raatz, Stephanie Robinson, Norm Crouse, Nick Tribble, Jon Solland, Jon Cannon, Brian Pallasch
Bottom, left to right: Julie Palmer, Jennifer Hogan, Chris Dawkins, Burt Carver, Robért Hinojosa.

Secretary/Treasurer: Julie Palmer, LEED AP, Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates Inc.

Region I: Norm Crouse, RRO, Dedicated Roof & Hydro Solutions

Region II: Nick Tribble, RRO, SKA Consulting Engineers Inc.

Region III: Eric R. Raatz, RBEC, CBECxP, RRO, ECS Limited

Region VII: Stephanie Robinson, PEng, BASc, WSP Canada Inc.

IIBEC Executive Vice President and CEO Brian Pallasch then presented on the state of the association, noting the many successes IIBEC achieved in the past year as it pursued the four key areas of its Strategic Plan: Value of IIBEC, Advocacy, Credentials, and Knowledge Transfer.

The full 2025–2026 IIBEC Board of Directors was introduced on stage. (Region IV Director Julie McDonald, REWC, RRC, CIT, was not in attendance). They are:

President: Chris Dawkins, PE, Beech Consulting Inc.

First Vice President: Jennifer Hogan, REWC, RRO, BArchSci, CET, CRE, LEED AP, Certified Passive House Consultant, Pretium Engineering Inc.

Second Vice President: Burt Carver, RRC, RRO, Apex Building Sciences Inc.

Secretary/Treasurer: Julie Palmer, LEED AP, Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates Inc.

Immediate Past President: Robért Hinojosa, F–IIBEC, RBEC, RRO, REWO, PE, CDT, RJH & Associates Inc.

Chief Executive Officer and Executive Vice President: Brian Pallasch, CAE, IIBEC

Region I: Norm Crouse, RRO, Dedicated Roof & Hydro Solutions

Region II: Nick Tribble, RRO, SKA Consulting Engineers Inc.

Region III: Eric R. Raatz, RBEC, CBECxP, RRO, ECS Limited

Region IV: Jon Cannon, RRC, REWC, RRO, REWO, CDT, Hollon+Cannon Group LLC

Region V: Julie McDonald, REWC, RRC, CIT, Smith Seckman Reid

Region VI: Jon Solland, RRC, RWC, RRO, PEng, RJC Engineers

Region VII: Stephanie Robinson, PEng, BASc, WSP Canada Inc.

New IIBEC President Chris Dawkins made brief comments about his appreciation of IIBEC and his history with the organization.

Mike Blanchette

Morning education sessions included, “Determining Life Expectancy of In-Situ Slate Roofing,” “Understanding the Complex World of Unitized Curtainwall,” and “Strong, Sustainable, and Safe: Precast Concrete Enclosure Systems.” Afternoon education sessions included, “Forensic Insights into Roof Failures,” “Storm Damage Assessment,” and “Key Considerations for Roof Drainage Design.”

Wayne Hoffman (right)

The final day of the 2025 convention concluded with the RCI-IIBEC Foundations’ Live Auction and Reception and the President’s Annual Banquet, featuring entertainment from Wayne Hoffman, mentalist and illusionist.

The 2026 IIBEC Convention and Trade Show will take place March 12–15, in Sacramento, California.