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IIBEC Projects

National Roofing Day in D.C.

Last March, the roofing industry came together some 400-strong to make our collective voices heard in our nation’s capital during the inaugural Roofing Day in D.C. 2018. This year’s event will take place April 3-4, 2019.

RCI is partnering with the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA), organizers of the event, and multiple roofing industry associations and organizations in a coalition of voices. Together we can make a difference on critical issues facing our industry surrounding regulatory reform (including procurement), workforce development, and immigration reform. RCI is an official sponsor of the event, and last year sent more representatives—72 individuals from 55 different companies—than any other organization besides the NRCA. This year, we want to send someone from all 50 states.

This is a unique and exciting opportunity, as we will arrive on Capitol Hill and speak as a united industry! RCI members will be able to present their concerns to their Congressional representatives.

RCI is asking you to participate. The event includes a keynote speaker, advocacy training on how best to communicate with members of Congress and their staffs, issues updates, and a reception on Wednesday, April 3. Congressional appointments (three to five per attendee) will be arranged for registrants to take place from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Thursday following breakfast. These will be scheduled based on your business address, matching you to the appropriate representatives and senators.

National Women in Roofing (NWIR)

National Women in Roofing (NWIR) have signed a cooperative plan to further the promotion, outreach, shared purposes, and over-arching goals of the two organizations. Designed to strengthen the mutual interests of the associations and the building envelope industry at large, the cooperative agreement advocates for a combined total of almost 5,000 members in North America. Through the agreement, RCI becomes NWIR’s first Affiliated organization.

The two groups have pledged to support one another’s publications, meetings, and membership recruitment efforts through a series of initiatives, including shared promotion and resources support.

RCI, a nonprofit association of professionals who specialize in roofing, waterproofing, and exterior wall specification and design, was established in 1983 and currently serves over 3500 members in the United States, Canada, South America, the Middle East, Europe, and Asia.

National Women in Roofing was founded in 2016 and already has over 1,000 members. The volunteer-based organization supports and advances the careers of women roofing professionals by providing networking, mentoring, education, and recruitment opportunities “from the rooftop to the boardroom.”

The agreement was signed by RCI CEO and Executive Vice President Lionel van der Walt and NWIR Executive Director Ellen Thorp.

Women at Round Table