The RCI Foundation (U.S.) is the major non-governmental organization (NGO) contributing to a project with Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), titled “Roofing Capabilities for the Roof Savings Calculator.” While there are many other supporters of this venture, the Foundation’s board approved a grant of $30,000 to be a major supporter because of the positive impact the updated calculator will have on the building envelope industry.
According to the grant proposal prepared by Joshua New and André Desjarlais of the ORNL, this project will update the ORNL Roof Savings Calculator ( to include a clear comparison of roofs from an energy and economic perspective.
The current ORNL calculator needs to be updated. Users are limited to analyzing a flat black roof for baseline comparisons. The ability to compare any roof configuration to another will demonstrate the cost differences between various options. The improvements to the calculator will also allow designers, architects, contractors and specifiers to understand the parameters that can improve the energy efficiency of roofing.
The updated calculator will include the impact of insulation and above-sheathing ventilation, and an estimation of peak energy demand reduction. Updating the ORNL tool will be a benefit to both the new and retrofit roofing markets.
Finally, the improved calculator will help educate the public about the available roofing options by providing quantifiable economic comparisons that are otherwise difficult to generate.
Completion of the Roofing Calculator update is expected in February, 2017. The RCI Foundation is pleased to be a key contributor to this project.
Updated 8/10/2016 for clarification.