The Registered Exterior Wall Consultant (REWC®) exam is now available at conveniently located computer-based testing centers throughout North America.
Applications can be completed online: A study guide is available on the RCI website and hard copies of the application are available upon request.
Application Requirements
The exterior wall consultant must demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and abilities to provide impartial, informed consulting and documentation related to the investigation, design, construction, repair, testing, and codes and standards of exterior wall systems.
The applicant must have at least six years of exterior wall consulting experience. A minimum of 150 hours of continuing educational hours (CEHs) from at least three industry-related technical programs earned within the last 10 years is required. Credit will be given for advanced degrees and professional licensing.
Verification of an applicant’s work experience is done using a point system. A minimum of 100 points is required from at least three of 12 categories which identify the responsibilities of an exterior wall consultant.
Five references are also required.
Application Processing
Allow 90 days for processing once an application is submitted to RCI. The application will be processed within 60 days for an additional expediting fee ($50 member/$75 nonmember).
Once the application is approved, the REWC candidate may register for the exam.
The REWC computer-based exam includes 60 multiple-choice questions that involve all phases of exterior wall consulting such as: evaluation, design, testing, codes and standards, and construction of exterior wall systems.
To earn the REWC designation, a candidate must pass the general exam as well as the REWC technical exam. However, applicants who currently hold the Registered Roof Consultant (RRC) and/or Registered Waterproofing Consultant (RWC) designation(s) are exempt from taking the General Consultant Knowledge (GCK) exam.
Recommended RCI Courses
RCI Educational Programs, in particular Exterior Walls Technology and Science, Masonry Wall Systems, Exterior Concrete Wall Systems, and Exterior Finish and Cladding Systems courses may prove useful for anyone planning to pursue the REWC designation.
* A renewal fee is required annually, as well as 12 industry-related CEHs.
Contact Director of Registrations Micki Kamszik for more information (