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Tag: procurement

IIBEC Congratulates the U.S. Senate for Passing the Construction Consensus Procurement Improvement Act

January 09, 2020

In late December, just before Congress adjourned for the holiday season, the U.S. Senate passed the Construction Consensus Procurement Improvement Act (S. 1434), an important bill supported by IIBEC that affects the design and construction industry. The Construction Consensus Procurement Improvement Act (S. 1434) prohibits federal agencies from purchasing design or construction services using reverse […]

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IIBEC reps in front of US Rep Price's office

IIBEC Works with U.S. Congress to Pass Legislative Language to Ensure Responsible, Cost-Effective, and Fair Procurement Practices

July 10, 2019

By Jeff Taylor IIBEC is pleased to report that in June, the U.S. House of Representatives approved responsible construction procurement legislative report language in its FY’20 appropriations process. For the second year in a row, the U.S. House Appropriations Financial Services and General Government subcommittee has included direction to the General Services Administration (GSA) focused […]

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cooperative purchasing

Cobb County Procurement Decision is Win for Industry

May 22, 2019

By Director of Industry Affairs Brian Gardner IIBEC Georgia Chapter members from Cobb County, GA (Past Presidents Pat Downey and Arthur “Chip” Ward), IIBEC First Vice President Scott Hinesley, and Director of Industry Affairs Brian Gardner met in April with Cobb County purchasing administrators to discuss the county’s procurement of construction via cooperative purchasing. On […]

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