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Volunteer to be an RCI Ambassador at the 2017 Convention

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January 18, 2017

ambassador-at-conventionAgain this year, RCI is pleased to announce the continuation of the Ambassador program at the 2017 annual convention in Anaheim, California. Each year, there are first-time participants attending our convention. To assist them and make them feel welcome, RCI launched the Ambassador program in 2014.

RCI Ambassadors serve to make the experience of convention a little less daunting for newcomers. Ambassadors may share their experiences in the areas of education, events, and leadership opportunities. Questions may range from “what should I wear to the annual banquet?” to “what educational classes may be the most useful to further my career?”

Two Ambassadors will serve 1½ – 2 hour shifts during the hours of registration (2-5 pm Friday, March 17, and 7:30 am-1 pm on Saturday, March 18.) A brief orientation will be provided prior to each shift. One Continuing Education Hour (CEH) will be awarded to volunteers serving in this role.

If you are interested in supporting our association and sharing your time and experience, please contact
Melany Elwell at