The fourth (2018) edition of this monograph, authored by Stephen Patterson, RRC, PE, of Roof Technical Services, Inc. and Madan Mehta, PE, PhD of the University of Texas at Arlington, is a publication of the RCI Foundation and is now for sale at RCI’s online storefront at The price is only $45 for members and $50 for nonmembers.
The monograph is keyed to the latest edition of the ASCE/SEI publication: Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures, commonly known as the ASCE 7-16 Standard. It consolidates all provisions of ASCE 7-16 that are applicable to low-slope roofs in a single document with an aim to help roof consultants, architects, and engineers design a wind-resistant low-slope roof. Similar to its earlier editions, the fourth edition covers wind pressures on low-slope roofs at different levels of detail to suit a diverse body of readers.
Curious readers will appreciate the theoretical description of the dynamics of wind flow around buildings and its effect on wind pressures on low-slope roofs. A step-by-step procedure for determining wind uplift pressures on low-slope roofs, followed by numerical examples of how to use the procedure, provides clarity to theoretical description. A set of tables has been provided from which wind pressure values can be simply selected without the use of any procedure or calculations.
The update in the monograph was necessitated because of several changes made in ASCE 7-16 from its earlier ASCE 7-10 Standard. A few of the important changes in ASCE 7-16 that impact the design of low-slope roofs and are explained in the monograph are:
This popular publication deserves to be a part of your personal library if you deal with roofing and building envelope design and/or forensics. Attend the related session by Patterson and Mehta at the 2019 RCI Convention.
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