The RCI-IIBEC Foundation and RCI Foundation Canada application process for the Robert W. Lyons and the RCIF Lewis W. Newlan scholarships is now open. These academic scholarships are available for college, university, and trade school students who are studying architecture, engineering, or building and construction sciences in the U.S. and Canada.
Applications for the 2021-22 academic year will be accepted from January 13 through April 8 at 3 PM CST. Scholarships recipients are selected based on financial need, letters of reference, and an essay about their interest in the field.
Four scholarships of $5,000 each will be awarded in honor of Robert W. Lyons. This award is not renewable; past recipients may not re-apply. This award is for undergraduates only.
Bob Lyons was the founder of RCI (now IIBEC). IIBEC would not be the organization that it is today without Lyons’ countless contributed hours, networking, and old-fashioned hard work. In 2016, Lyons lost his battle with cancer. The Robert W. Lyons Scholarship Fund was established to honor the memory of a man who spent his career advancing the building enclosure industry, while bringing together thousands of like-minded professionals.
Four scholarships of $2,500 each will be given through the RCIF Lewis W. Newlan Fund. This award is not renewable; however, recipients may re-apply up to four times in four years, provided they meet eligibility requirements. Both undergraduate and graduate students are eligible.
Lewis Newlan was a long-time supporter of the Foundations and a dedicated member of RCI, Inc. (now IIBEC). After his passing, the board created a fund in his honor and in support of his stated commitment to education in this field.
Since these scholarships were established, the Foundations have awarded over $95,000 in honor of Lyons and Newlan. In 2020, there were 206 completed applications for the eight scholarships.
For more information and to apply, go to
Gardner has advocated for IIBEC’s foundations via fundraising, networking, and innumerable phone calls since 2014. You can reach him via email at