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Marketing to Building Enclosure Specifiers

IIBEC is the primary professional organization for building enclosure consultants. At nearly 3,600 strong, IIBEC members comprise one of the most influential groups in the commercial building industry. The association’s consultant members specify billions of dollars of roofing, waterproofing, and exterior wall products each year. IIBEC members are considered by many to be the industry’s elite experts and purposefully maintain a working knowledge of available technology and actively seek information regarding new and innovative products.

Marketing through IIBEC is the surest means to gain direct access to the building enclosure consultant demographic. When an IIBEC member specifies or recommends a product, its reputation may often grow in merit and it may be received more favorably by the industry at large. For answers to any questions regarding marketing to IIBEC members, contact Arissa Cooper at

Print Marketing

Interface, is the technical journal of IIBEC which is published eleven times per year.

The Guide: An Overview of IIBEC Services is a 60-page, magazine-style publication. It serves as members’ personal handbook of IIBEC services and programs. Advertising space is limited!

International Convention and Trade Show

Contact Arissa Cooper at for more information.