Technical Advisories describe and convey IIBEC’s positions and information concerning timely technical issues and are presented in the form of white papers, commentaries, or other analyses, supported by objective, sound research and technical documentation.
To view archived technical advisories, click here.
To provide commentary to determine and maintain air barrier continuity at roof-to-wall interfaces during reroofing.
To provide guidelines on how to assess if an existing roofing system has been damaged due to external and/or extraordinary events. It also attempts to answer the question, “What constitutes roof system damage?”.
To provide an informative advisory regarding remediation and corrective measures after extreme weather events resulting in flooding of exterior cavity wall construction comprised of exterior sheathing, weather-resistive barrier, and exterior cladding.
To provide background and discussion on the latest revisions to the FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-52, Field Verification of Roof Wind Uplift Resistance, and its applicability to IIBEC members’ practices in evaluating wind uplift resistance of installed roofs as well as evaluation of existing roofs for wind uplift resistance and wind damage.
To describe the importance of analyzing and accommodating wood shrinkage in mid-rise wood frame construction pursuant to (and beyond) current building code requirements.
To provide commentary on roof design and maintenance considerations where rooftop equipment, including communication equipment, are present.
To provide commentary on the installation and design of low-slope roof systems over new concrete roof deck substrates.
To provide information on the methods and qualifications for electronic leak detection testing used for installed roofing and waterproofing systems.
To provide an informative advisory regarding performance issues that may be encountered with fiber-cement siding installed on a building.
To provide an informative, technical advisory regarding the reuse of existing roof insulation during the replacement or repair of low-slope roofs on commercial buildings.
To raise awareness of potentially unsafe conditions that may result due to exceptions regarding roof drainage within the 2015 IBC and 2015 IRC, if the primary drainage system becomes compromised.
To provide IIBEC’s position pertaining to the use of field uplift testing of newly installed roof assemblies.
To provide an industry statement regarding the removal and replacement of roof substrate materials damaged by moisture and discovered at the time of new roof installation.
To present a general overview of information regarding the performance of thermoplastic polyolefin (TPO) single-ply membranes, to summarize general information related to the evolution of TPO single-ply roof membranes, and to provide general information to assist individuals with reviewing in-place existing conditions of TPO roof membranes.
To provide commentary and to raise awareness of potential staining and flow of oils from self-adhesive, bituminous-based wall flashings.
To provide commentary on corrosion linked to the use of bagasse fiberboard insulation in low-sloped roofing assemblies.
To provide information and recommendations on strength loss of wood treated with fire-retardant (FR) treatment and corrosion of ferrous metal in contact with such treated wood.
To provide commentary on issues associated with specifying and installing self-adhesive, modified-bitumen roofing products and systems.
To provide recommendations for addressing whether imperfections in the surface of a newly installed roof are considered to be surface defects impairing the performance of the roof, or are surface imperfections and simply aesthetically distracting.
To provide informative advisory regarding the potential moisture and air infiltration associated with fasteners that penetrate both self-adhered and fluid-applied membranes installed as weather-resistive barriers or air barriers within an exterior wall assembly.
To provide commentary and to raise awareness of limitations related to water-based adhesives used with roof systems.
To provide commentary regarding issues associated with the ANSI/SPRI ES-1 standard.
To provide commentary on issues associated with brick veneer construction that is code-compliant but differs from long-accepted trade practices.
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