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Awards Luncheon, 40th Anniversary Celebration Mark Third Day of 2023 IIBEC International Conference and Trade Show

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March 5, 2023
Art Sark

Highlights from the third full day of the 2023 IIBEC International Convention and Trade Show included the annual Awards Luncheon and a 40th anniversary celebration for the organization.

IIBEC Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer Brian Pallasch started the awards ceremony by recognizing 151 newly IIBEC-credentialed individuals before moving on to this year’s Horowitz Award for the top article in IIBEC Interface during the previous calendar year. This year’s award went to Leonidia Garbis and Corey Wowk for their article, “Exploring the Dos and Don’ts of Curtainwall Transitions.”

Pallasch continued with the Outstanding Chapter Awards, which recognize the collective efforts of IIBEC’s volunteer leaders who serve their local members through hosting education, social events, and advocacy.

Brian Pallasch and Chris Giffin

Pallasch also recognized with longevity pins those in the audience who had been with IIBEC for 25, 30, 35, and 40 years, asking those in attendance from each group to stand and be recognized. Pallasch then made a special acknowledgement of 40-year IIBEC members—the first time the organization had recognized that level of membership. Of the five individuals recognized for 40 years of membership, Art Sark was present and was invited to the stage, where he received a warm round of applause. Pallasch noted that Sark had attended every IIBEC convention, including the Zoom convention during the COVID pandemic.

Chris Giffin, Anthony Dukes, and Amy Peevey

Next up for recognition were the past presidents of IIBEC, nearly 20 of whom were on hand for the honor. That was followed by the Emerging Professionals Award of Excellence, which went to Anthony Dukes. The Outstanding Volunteer Award went to Lora Ferrazzo-Bourck , Jay Rodriguez, and Joshua Hankins.

The Michael DeFrancesco Volunteer Award of the Year went to André Coppin for his continued service and dedication to IIBEC’s chapters and committees.

President Chris Giffin then presented IIBEC’s Joe F. Hale Lifetime Achievement Award, which went to Bill Waterston for his continuous dedication to IIBEC on both an institute level and local level. The announcement of Waterston’s award was met with a standing ovation. “It’s amazing to get this recognition,” Waterston said in brief comments after accepting awards. “I love being a member of this great organization.”

Past President Tom Gernetzske presented the Herbert W. Busching Jr., PhD, Memorial Award posthumously to Michael Goolsby. Also recognized were Doug Stieve and Emily Lorenz for their contributions to the organization. Additionally, Gernetzke announced two new inductees to the Jury of Fellows: Bill Waterston and Chris Giffin.

Chris Giffin, Karen McElroy, and Amy Peevey

The ceremony then moved to staff recognition awards, which went to IIBEC Chief Operating Officer Melany Rizzo and to Credentials and Continuing Education Specialist Debbie Wichman. Vice President of Events Karen McElroy, a 23-year IIBEC employee, was recognized with a standing ovation from the crowd and remarks by Past President Nelson Hall. Recalling a particularly trying earlier IIBEC convention, Hall said, “We’re celebrating 40 years [today]. Back then we were just hoping for 40 more days.” IIBEC First Vice President Amy Peevey also congratulated McElroy on the honor.

Rockhounds Band

Education sessions continued  Sunday, and the trade show wrapped following a second day of showcasing the latest products and services for the building enclosure industry. An IIBEC 40th anniversary celebration, featuring live music from 1980s cover group Rockhounds Band, capped the day, with IIBEC Past President Art Sark on hand to cut a birthday cake marking four decades for the organization.

The 2023 IIBEC International Convention and Trade Show continues through March 6. The 2024 IIBEC International Convention and Trade Show will take place March 8–11 in Phoenix, Arizona.