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Blast From IIBEC’s Past: 1999

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February 1, 2021
Member Darryl Rodgers played the bagpipes to lead attendees to the trade show opening in Charlotte, North Carolina in 1999.

In 1999, the first issue of RCItems was published. This newsletter took member news, the CEO’s column, and other association information and created a smaller publication, separate from Interface, but inserted into each issue. This allowed Interface itself to focus almost exclusively on technical articles.

IIBEC’s expansion continued, and several new chapters were born:

  • The Western Canada Chapter, headquartered in Vancouver, British Columbia, was formed with 23 founding members. The eastern portion of Canada became the Ontario Chapter.
  • The Georgia Chapter had its first meeting in Atlanta, on April 19, with Pat Downey, RRC, as president.
  • The North Carolina Chapter met for the first time on November 10, in Greensboro, with Gary R. Cattel, RRC, PE, as president.

On June 1, in Dallas, Texas, RCI and the International Roofing and Waterproofing Consultants (IRWC) officially joined forces to become a single organization under the banner of RCI.

At the convention, in a breakout roundtable called “Goals of RCI,” the idea to include the entire building enclosure as part of RCI was floated.

The 1999 convention was well attended.