Call for Papers for SoCal Hawaii Workshop | Deadline: Sept. 13 August 30, 2017 The SoCal Chapter of RCI, Inc. is seeking abstracts for presentations at the 18th Annual Hawaii Winter Workshop, which will take place on January 11 and… Regions and Chapters
Roofing Adhesive Fumes Shut Down Air Traffic Control Center, Delay Flights August 24, 2017 Fumes from an adhesive being applied to a roof traveled into an air-conditioning system at the Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) Air Traffic Control Center in Leesburg, Virginia on July 10, prompting complaints that resulted… Industry News
Executive Order Expands Apprenticeships August 24, 2017 President Trump on June 15 signed an executive order aimed at expanding apprenticeship programs and reducing the federal role in setting their requirements. The directive instructs the Department of Labor (DOL) to consider regulations… Industry News
Crowd Consulting Conundrum August 24, 2017 EDITOR’S NOTE: This occasional feature is presented as an opportunity for building envelope consultants to present and weigh in on puzzling situations encountered in the course of one’s work. If you have a similar experience… General Interest
RCI Interface Featured Article: Fire Resistance of Exterior Cladding Materials August 24, 2017 By Michael J. Rzeznik, PE and Douglas Stieve, RRC, AIA Figure 1 – Grenfell Tower fire, June 2017. Shutterstock photo. (Click for detail.)The Grenfell Tower fire (Figure 1) that occurred in London on June… Publications
ASTM Call for Papers August 24, 2017 ASTM International is seeking paper submissions for two upcoming symposia. The Symposium on Whole Building Air Leakage: Testing and Building Performance Impacts will be held on April 8, 2018, in San Diego,… Industry News
Chapter News – August 2017 August 16, 2017 Check the source! Find chapter news on RCI Affiliated Chapter websites. Chapter leaders can download resources, including the Chapter Awards Program Application, from the Member Resources page… IIBEC Members
Supporting RCI on Social Media August 4, 2017 Have you ever wondered just what, exactly, is the point of Facebook? LinkedIn? Twitter? Have you even heard of Google+ (pronounced Google Plus)? Whether you’re new to social media, or an old hat who… About IIBEC