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Certified Building Enclosure Commissioning Provider- CBECxP®

With the expansion of IIBEC’s focus to building enclosure commissioning, the organization recognized the need for the development of a Certified Building Enclosure Commissioning Provider (CBECxP®) program.  Now, building enclosure commissioning professionals may pursue the CBECxP designation by completing the CBECxP Application using the IIBEC online process.

CBECxP Application Requirements

Applicants must have at least 4 years of building enclosure commissioning experience.

Completion of 70 hours of continuing education and a minimum of three seminars directly related to building commissioning, building enclosure consulting, or building construction sciences are needed for application approval.

Additional details are provided on the CBECxP application form.


Objectivity and Commitment

Each CBECxP agrees to abide by the IIBEC Code of Ethics, the CBECxP Use Agreement, and the Provisions of the CBECxP Certification Scheme.

Scope Statement

A CBECxP acts as the technical and administrative director of the building enclosure commissioning process that extends from the pre-design stage to the occupancy & operations stage.

The Industry Standard

IIBEC is committed to making the CBECxP designation the industry standard. In keeping with this objective, IIBEC will be pursuing third-party accreditation for the CBECxP Program. Note: applicants are advised that it is possible the CBECxP Program requirements, procedures, and/or processes for certification and/or re-certification may be modified to achieve accreditation. Those modifications may render the current non-accredited CBECxP certification, as transient and time-limited. IIBEC will provide CBECxP Program updates pertaining to accreditation activities and currently certified individuals will be notified of CBECxP Program changes, as needed.


Examination Process

The exam covers core competencies of the building enclosure commissioning process and includes predesign, design, bidding and negotiation, construction, and occupancy and operations. Exam-takers must be thoroughly familiar with a broad spectrum of principles related to building enclosure commissioning. The exam is 3 hours in length and consists of 90 multiple-choice items.  Candidates with an approved application will have a two-year window within which to complete and pass the exam; once the candidate’s application has expired, re-application will be required if the candidate wishes to take the exam.

CBECxP Application Process

Candidates are encouraged to use the online interactive electronic process to complete the application.

A user account is all that is required to log in to the portal to complete an application. You may enter and save the information until the application has been completed. It can then be electronically submitted to IIBEC for review and approval. Once begun, the application must be completed and submitted to IIBEC within one year or the application in process will expire.

Apply Now
Click here to download the CBECxP Handbook.

The CBECxP exam is available at over 1,000 conveniently located testing centers worldwide and by a remote, online platform using the test-taker’s home or office computer. Exam-eligible candidates will be contacted by IIBEC when a CBECxP application has been deemed complete and the candidate is approved for scheduling an exam date/time.

Contact CBECxP Program Staff


The CBECxP exam is 3 hours in length and consists of 90 multiple-choice items. It covers core competencies of the building enclosure commissioning process and includes pre-design, design, bidding and negotiation, construction, and occupancy and operations. The exam is available at over 1,000 conveniently located testing centers worldwide and by a remote, online platform using a test-taker’s home or office computer.

CBECxP Re-certification

Upon expiration of an individual’s certification, re-certification may be sought. It requires completion of 12 building commissioning, building enclosure consulting, and/or building construction sciences-related continuing education hours (CEHs).  In addition, payment of a re-certification fee and the submission of a completed re-certification application are required. Re-certifying individuals are encouraged to self-report CEHs.


Application Fee

$425 – IIBEC member and nonmember

Examination Fee

$325 – IIBEC member and nonmember

Re-certification Fee

$250 - IIBEC member and nonmember

For more membership and credentials information, contact the CBECxP Program Staff.

Contact CBECxP Program Staff

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