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Evaluation of The Effects Of Long-Term UV Exposure on Single-Ply Membranes

May 15, 2010

The use of PVC, KEE, EV, and
TPO single-ply membranes
makes up a substantial portion
of the commercial roofing market.
Manufacturers of the various
single-ply products publish
the physical properties of their membranes
at the time of manufacture. Owners,
designers, and contractors often select a
single-ply system based upon the marketing
claims of the manufacturers. The ability of
a membrane to maintain its initial physical
properties over an extended period of time
can be a predictor of performance.
Identifying and measuring how these properties
change have been the subjects of
prior research.1
Jim D. Koontz & Associates, in conjunction
with Target Corporation, undertook a
1½-year study to evaluate the relative performance
level of 11 single-ply membranes
when subjected to long-term ultraviolet
light (UV) exposure in the laboratory. New
samples of various membranes – polyvinyl
chloride (PVC), ketone ethylene ester (KEE),
Elvaloy® (EV), and thermoplastic polyolefin
(TPO) – were collected from seven different
manufacturers. PVC, KEE, EV, and TPO are
product designations assigned by the material
manufacturers. The roofing materials
selected for the testing have been commonly
used throughout the United States.
The initial physical properties of the sinmembranes
were determined for thickness,
hardness, specific gravity, and brittle point
temperature (see Table A). The visual
appearance of the samples was documented
photographically by microscopic examination.
A Q-Panel (QUV) Weatherometer oven
(Photo 1) manufactured by Q-Lab
Corporation was used to test some of the
properties of the membranes. A test-cycle
duration of eight hours of UV exposure with
a black panel temperature set point of 63˚C
Table A Photo 1 – QUV oven.
6 • IN T E R FA C E MAY / J U N E 2010
(145˚F) was followed by four hours of water
condensation on the samples’ surfaces at
50˚C (122˚F).
The procedure utilized for the tests followed
the general guidelines of American
Society for Testing and Materials procedure
ASTM D4434. The single-ply membranes
were removed and periodically tested at
5,000, 8,000, 11,000, and 14,000 hours, for
a total of 1½ years. Distinct variations in
the performance characteristics of the various
membranes were observed.
Two of the TPO single-ply membranes
gained a slight amount of thickness (Photo
2), most likely due to water absorption. The
PVC membranes as a group had the largest
drop in thickness (average 4.9%) when compared
to the TPO membranes
(average 0.92%).
See Table B. One of the
PVC membranes had a
loss of up to 8.5% of
thickness. The KEE- and
EV-based membranes
decreased in thickness
by 7.4% and 2.1%,
respectively. Important
per formance characteristics for single-ply
membranes include original thickness and
the ability to maintain thickness over the
The two TPO membranes that had an
increase in thickness also had a slight
increase in mass (Photo 3). The TPO membranes
on average had a decrease in mass
of 1.3%. The four PVC membranes had an
average decrease in mass of 9.3% (see Table
C). The KEE- and EV-based membranes
had a decrease in mass of 6.8% and 4.2%,
respectively – numerical changes based on
too many significant figures.
Table B
Photo 3 – Sheet mass. Table C
MAY / J U N E 2010 I N T E R FA C E • 7
Photo 2 – Membrane sheet thickness testing.
The changes in Shore Durometer
Hardness for the various single-ply membranes
were not as profound as observed in
other test procedures. On average, the PVC
membranes increased in hardness by 3.5.
The TPO membranes had an average
increase in hardness of 0.4 (see Table D).
The KEE- and EV-based membranes had
increases of 2.0 and 1.0, respectively.
In some cases, fairly dramatic changes
occurred in the brittle-point temperature of
the different single-ply membranes. Sample
6, the 57-mil EV-based membrane, had an
increase in brittle-point temperature from
-75˚C to 0˚C, a 75˚C
increase (-103˚F to +32.0˚F,
a 135˚F increase). On average,
the PVC had an in –
crease of 51.8C˚ (93.2˚F).
The TPO membranes experienced
an average increase
of 21.8˚C (39.2˚F). See Table
E. The range of variation
within the TPO membranes,
however, was from a low of
16.1˚C (29.0˚F) to a high of
33.3˚C (60.0˚F). The variations
observed within the
five TPO samples are attributable
to formulation differences.
The KEE membrane
had an overall increase of
36.1˚C (65.0˚F).
Each membrane was initially photographed
microscopically and then rephotographed
at each test interval. During the
course of the test, chalking was detected on
the surface of all 11 single-ply samples.
Crazing was detected in seven of the 11
samples, and cracking was detected in one
PVC sample. All of the samples exhibited
some color variation, from a tanning
appearance to a pinkish appearance (Table
F). As a greater surface color change occurs,
Photo 4 – Durometer hardness testing.
Table E Photo 5 – Brittle-point temperature testing.
Table F
8 • IN T E R FA C E MAY / J U N E 2010
Table D
changes in the durability and albedo (solar
reflectance) can occur.3 (See Photos 6, 7, 8, and
Relative performance attributes have long
been recognized in the roofing industry as critical
parts of comparing and evaluating roofing
membranes. On average, the TPO membranes
have a greater propensity for retaining physical
properties when compared to PVC, KEE, and EV
membranes. Substantial variations, however,
were observed within the TPO group.
Of the membranes tested, significant
variation exists in how the products performed.
The loss of thickness was the greatest
for a PVC sample, at 8.9%, compared to
one of the TPO samples that gained a slight
amount of thickness at 0.9%. The increase
in brittle-point temperature ranged from a
low of 16.1˚C (29.0˚F) in a TPO sample to a
high of 75˚C (135˚F) in the EV-based sample.
Single-ply manufacturers perform inhouse
testing on their products and are
aware of the relative long-term performance
characteristics of their products when compared
to other manufacturers’ products.
Typically, the manufacturers only provide
the initial product characteristics at the
time of manufacture. The long-term performance
data should be made available by
Photo 8 – TPO
membrane #10
Table G
MAY / J U N E 2010 I N T E R FA C E • 9
Photo 9 – TPO
membrane #10
(14,000 hours).
Photo 7 – PVC membrane
#3 (14,000 hours).
Photo 6 – PVC membrane #3 (initial).
the manufacturers to owners, designers,
and contractors so that informed decisions
can be made in the selection of single-ply
1 Taylor Pierce, “Key Indicators of Per –
formance for Thermoplastic Polyole –
fin Membranes,” Proceedings of the
RCI 24th International Convention
and Trade Show, March 2009.
2 Mark Graham, “Is Thicker Better?”
Professional Roofing, October 2009.
3 Hashem Akbari, Asmeret A. Berhe,
Ronnen Levinson, Stanley Grave –
line, Kevin Foley, Ana H. Delgado,
and Ralph M. Paroli, “Aging and
Weathering of Cool Roofing Mem –
branes,” Proceedings of Cool Roofing:
Cutting Through the Glare, RCI
Foundation, May 2005.
4 C.W. Griffin, Richard Fricklas,
Manual of Low-Slope Roof Systems,
Fourth Edition, Chapter Two, 2006.
Jim D. Koontz, RRC, PE, has been involved in the roofing
industry since 1960. His experience encompasses the role of
roofer, estimator, manager of a roofing company, consultant,
lecturer, and researcher. As a consultant, Jim Koontz has
worked in over 40 states, Canada, Mexico, and the Carib –
bean. Koontz holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees from
Tulane University.
Jim D. Koontz, RRC, PE
John Erland, RRO, has been in the roofing industry for 30
years – the last 11 as a senior technical specialist with Target
Corporation. Erland’s first experience in the roofing industry
was as summer job for a contractor. John had worked with
manufacturers, contractors, and consultants before joining
Target. His current responsibilities include preconstruction
collaboration, inspection, investigations, and continuous
improvement efficiencies. John works in close partnership
with Target property development and roofing teams developing
new and remodeled stores and distribution centers’ details and specifications, along
with scopes for reroofing projects.
John Erland, RRO
10 • I N T E R FA C E MAY / J U N E 2010
Two iconic landmarks in Vancouver are scheduled to be replaced with new fabric roofs
by 2011. The BC Place Stadium will be replaced by a 10-acre, fully retractable fabric roof,
while Canada Place’s 1986 Teflon roof will be replaced with more energy-efficient material.
A $458 million (Canadian dollars) contract
has been let to PBC Pavilion Cor –
poration (PavCo) and PCL Constructors
Canada Inc. for replacement of BC Place,
scheduled to be completed in time for the
2011 Grey Cup. A temporary facility (Em –
pire Stadium) will accommodate the BC
Lions and the Vancouver Whitecaps for the
2010 season.
The new roof will be the
largest cable-supported, ful –
ly retractable, fabric roof in
the world, with the roof
retracting into the center of
the roof opening and hidden
inside a suspended, foursided
electronic video
board. It will be capable of
opening in 20 minutes and
is expected to offer an additional
41 event days to Vancouver each year and save up to 25% in energy costs for the stadium.
At Canada Place, the outer roof fabric of the ’86 installation will be replaced with new,
more energy-efficient materials. Funding will come from Canada’s $4-billion Infrastructure
Stimulus Fund for construction-ready infrastructure rehabilitation projects.
— Roofing BC
The Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers
Association (ARMA) has been notified that the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has
approved the use of 1-bromopropane as an
alternative to the 1,1,1-trichlorethane specified
in Method 5A. The EPA says that this modification
is acceptable for use at any asphalt processing
or manufacturing facility covered by the
following regulations: 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart
UU; 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart LLLLL; and 40
CFR Part 60, Subpart AAAAAAA. This solvent
replacement will reduce the use of a potential
ozone-depleting substance that has historically
been required for roofing industry environmental
compliance-related testing.
ARMA members are required by the EPA to
use Method 5A testing to demonstrate compliance
with particulate matter emissions limits
required by the Clean Air Act. The Montreal
Protocol and the Clean Air Act required the
phasing out of production of 1,1,1-trichlorethane,
a chlorinated solvent thought to contribute to the
depletion of the earth’s ozone layer, and until
recently the only solvent approved by the EPA
for Method 5A emissions testing.
EPA Approves
Alternative Solvent for
Method 5A Testing
BC Place
and Ca na –
da Place
of Uli