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Bio-Based Roof Coatings

May 15, 2011

Worldwide, most people
are looking for greener,
bio-based, natural, or
sustainable chemistries
to replace petrochemicalbased
products. Natural
(something that is not produced or changed
artificially) is not the same as bio-based.
Consider, for example, that crude oil comes
from a natural source. The United States
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Green chemistry, also known
as sustainable chemistry, is
the design of chemical products
and processes that
reduce or eliminate the use or
generation of hazardous substances.
Wood is an example of a green
product. It can be considered
sustainable if the forests are
managed with new trees being
planted for the harvested trees
and not all of the old-growth trees
taken at once.
Many paint and roof manufacturers
have joined the race for
bio-based technologies, researching
and developing coatings from
renewable raw materials. How –
ever, to be considered both re –
new able and feasible, the materials
used must be derived from
manageable bio-based resources
that do not compromise coating
Bio-based materials are already gaining
traction with rooftop coatings. The use of
roof coatings derived from bio-based products
will increase even more dramatically as
manufacturers determine which bio-based
coatings are able to deliver value and performance
characteristics similar to their
petroleum-based counterparts.
The United States Secretary of Agri cul –
ture, in the Farm Security and Rural In vest –
ment Act of 2002, defined the term “biobased
product” as follows:
The term “bio-based product” means
a product determined by the
Secretary to be a commercial or
industrial product (other than food
or feed) that is composed, in whole
or in significant part, of biological
products or renewable domestic
agricultural materials (including
plant, animal, and marine) or
forestry materials.2
While bio-based materials can include
nonfood products that come from biomass
Photo 1 – Boiler slag, methyl soyate, postconsumer recycled tires, postconsumer recycled glass
bottles, and oyster shells are some of the many bio-based materials being used for today’s nextgeneration
roofing materials.
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(organic, nonfossil materials), they also
include, but are not limited to: crops, trees,
plants, algae, and marine organisms. In
addition, bio-based materials may include
biological waste from households, animals,
and food production.
Today, in addition to roof coatings, one
can find bio-based products in a wide range
of applications, including
• Fine chemicals such as pharmaceuticals,
cosmetics, and food additives
• Soy-based inks and flour
• Ethanol fuel
• Soy, castor, and linseed oil-based
resins (polyurethane and acrylic)
• Biosolvents, cleaners, and woodbased
products such as particleboard
The Federal Bio-Based Products’ Pre –
ferred Procurement Program3 was launched
by the Farm Security and Rural Investment
Act of 2002 (FSRIA). The objectives of the
bio-based preference procurement program
are threefold:
• The first is to increase demand for
bio-based products.
• The second objective is to spur
development of the industrial base
through value-added agricultural
processing and manufacturing in
rural communities.
• The third and final objective is to
enhance the nation’s energy independence
by substituting bio-based
products for fossil-energy-based
products derived from imported oil
and natural gas.
Petrochemical resources are a finite re –
source that will progressively get more
expensive as companies become more cognizant
of potential environmental damages,
as demonstrated by the Deepwater Horizon
oil spill catastrophe.
In addition to the obvious advantage of
reducing dependence on fossil energy,
many bio-based coatings contribute to overall
sustainability by reducing Volatile Or –
ganic Compounds (VOC) and by being, in
themselves, 100% recoverable and recyclable.
The industry has made it a priority to
eliminate VOCs and Hazardous Air Pollu –
tants (HAP) from coating formulations. Biosolvents
derived from vegetable oils, plants,
and starch can gradually replace petrochemical
solvents in roof coatings, thereby
reducing VOCs. Many bio-based products
can be recovered and recycled, which will
further reduce the environmental impact of
As a result, bio-based substitutions in
roofing materials are expanding rapidly,
including but not limited to resins, solvents,
surfactants, biocides, fillers, and asphalt.
Replacing petro-chemicals with biobased
ingredients can yield the following:
• LEED4 credits
• Enhanced performance
• Improved environmental life cycle
• Higher flash/boiling points
• Very low VOC and HAP emissions
• Lower toxicity
• Readily biodegradable coatings
Other important benefits include these:
• Safer and healthier for the user
• Better for the environment
• Increased national energy security
• Greater help to rural economies
• Enhanced U.S. leadership in the
world economy
• Lower dependence on imported oil
The Federal Acquisition Regulation
(FAR) was amended in November 2007 to
incorporate the requirements of USDAdesignated
bio-based products. The federal
government established a purchasing preference
for bio-based products using the
USDA’s BioPreferredSM5 Program, which
incorporates 33 bio-based items for preferred
purchasing. Roof coatings must have
a minimum of 20% bio-based content to be
endorsed as bio-preferred.
Performance is dictated by the Federal
Bio-Based Product Preferential Procure –
ment Program (FB4P) as mandated by the
2002 Farm Bill Act. Bio-Based Section 9002
of the 2008 Farm Bill requires federal agencies
to purchase bio-based products identified
for a federal procurement preference,
except as provided in FAR Part 23.404(b). In
addition, Executive Order 13514, Federal
Leadership in Energy, Environmental, and
Economic Performance, requires that 95%
of eligible new contracts and contract modifications
require the use of bio-based products.
In 2011, the USDA BioPre ferred program
launched a new labeling initiative to
identify bio-based products that are commercial
or industrial products whose main
ingredients are renewable plant or animal
materials. Under the voluntary labeling program,
bio-based product manufacturers
and distributors are now able to affix a
“USDA Certified Bio-based Product” label
on qualifying products. The label indicates
the product meets or exceeds the amount of
bio-based content required for product certification.
In addition to incorporating the afore-
Photo 2 – Only a few years ago, a cool roof coating was considered a creditable “green”
material; today, unless bio-based materials have been substituted for fossil-based
resources, “cool” may not be enough.
mentioned 20% of bio-based content, roof
coatings must be ENERGYSTAR®-qualified6
and listed by the Cool Roof Rating Council
Besides the federal government, other
agencies that recognize the benefits of using
bio-based products are The Presidential
Green Chemistry Challenge Awards,
CleanGredients™,8 and the EPA’s Design for
the Environment (DfE) Program.
Some of the bio-based solutions being
promoted through these agencies include
• Development of energy-saving, biobased
roof coatings and insulation
• Replacement of petro-based solvents
in general-purpose cleaners, adhesive/
mastic removers, parts washing,
and graffiti removers
With so much public and private
momentum behind bio-based initiatives, it
is inevitable that these technologies will
continue to transform the material landscape
of the roofing industry.
Although petrochemical resources
remain firmly entrenched in the area of
fillers and coatings for roofing materials,
the movement towards bio-based technologies
is well under way. Fillers derived from
biological sources, such as calcium carbonate
from fossilized seashells, are readily
available. The majority of bio-based roof
coatings use soy-based polyols and resins
as their backbones. Castor oil is also being
used, but castor oil is imported, mainly
from India, making domestically produced
soy-based polyols and resins more attractive.
Soy crops, which historically have been
used for human and animal consumption,
are being converted to commercial use in
response to the increased need for
biodiesel, methyl soyate, and other soybased
Clearly, ecological concerns have
increased the need and interest in develop-
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RCI 2012
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The entry deadline is October 31, 2011.
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38 • I N T E R FA C E S E P T E M B E R 2011
Photo 3 – Modified-bitumen
roofing materials may
include a wide range of biobased
resources, including
but not limited to postconsumer
scrap from
recycled tires incorporated
into the roofing compound;
preconsumer crushed
porcelain incorporated into
the filler; renewable soybased
oils, bio-based resins,
or crushed sea shells
substituted for petroleumbased
resources in the
compound; and precon –
sumer recycled boiler slag
used as the surfacing.
stock. The desires to become more independent
with regard to feedstock and to offer a
favorable environmental footprint have
boosted interest in renewable sources to
replace petrochemicals.
It has already been determined that
resins and additives can be based on renewable
resources and formulated into coatings
to comply with existing and anticipated regulations.
However, due to the relatively
short time that bio-based products have
been on the scene, the cradle-to-grave life
cycle of bio-based coatings has not yet been
adequately researched.
In the ideal world of marketing ecospeak,
just stating that a roof coating is biobased
creates the impression that the product
will be better. But there are few things
less sustainable than a leaking roof when
one evaluates the ecodamage resulting from
tear-off and reroofing. The reality: If biobased
products do not achieve waterproofing
performance at least equal to their
petrochemical counterparts, whatever initial
ecological advantages they provide will
be quickly outweighed by the inevitable
environmental damage precipitated by a
failed roof.
In addition to this performance challenge,
the transition to bio-based technologies
by all industries continues to be impeded
• The scalability requirements of
mass production
• Necessary plant science refinements
• The complexities of varying biobased
material compositions and
Rising to these challenges will, one
hopes, lead to plants or crops that can be
produced feasibly. As companies develop
crop-processing methods that are economical,
product use and marketing will follow.
But the costs related to research and development,
implementing sustainable practices,
and marketing products to suit customer
preferences are substantial and will
require a thoughtful evaluation of the
value-to-benefit ratio of bio-based alternatives.
Ironically, bio-based solvents are considered
a VOC, so their environmental impact
is on par with that of regular solvents. Does
the reduced impact of the raw materials
themselves justify substitution as a “green”
investment? These are the types of dilemmas
that today’s manufacturers are facing.
Another major concern, when comparing
various products, is what constitutes an
acceptable bio-based percentage. The USDA
BioPreferred program lists roof coatings as
containing a minimum of 20% bio-based
materials. But from the vantage point of
public acceptance, is 20% truly enough?
Would 50% to 90% be a more credible
threshold for making bio-based product
claims, from the customer’s perspective?
In the years ahead, the market will continue
to sort out concerns such as these.
Meanwhile, industry-leading roofing manufacturers
will continue to investigate biobased
roof coatings, paving the way for
environmental, performance, and energysaving
improvements. One thing is certain:
The roofing industry is making its way
toward a greener future.
1. Refer to
2. “Accelerating the Development of the
Market for Bio-based Products in
Europe: Report of the Taskforce of
Bio-Based Products,” composed in
preparation of the communication,
A Lead Market Initiative for Europe
(COM 2007, 860 final, Brussels).
3. Refer to
4. Leadership in Energy and Environ –
mental Design® (LEED®) and Green
Building Rating System® are registered
trademarks of The U.S. Green
Building Council.
5. BioPreferredSM is a registered service
mark of the United States Depart –
ment of Agriculture.
6. ENERGYSTAR® is a registered trademark
of the U.S. government. The
Energy Star program represents a
voluntary partnership among businesses,
organizations, and the federal
government to promote energy
efficiency and environmental activities.
7. The Cool Roof Rating Council is an
independent and nonbiased organization
that has established a system
for providing building code bodies,
energy service providers, architects,
specifiers, property owners, and
community planners with accurate
radiative property data on roof surfaces
that may improve the energy
efficiency of buildings while positively
impacting the environment.
8. CleanGredients™ is a trademark of
S E P T E M B E R 2011 I N T E R FA C E • 3 9
George Groh is a laboratory specialist for The Garland
Company, Inc., a Cleveland-based manufacturer of waterproofing
solutions for the building envelope. An experienced
coatings chemist and lab manager, Groh is well versed in the
formulation challenges inherent in developing cost-effective
organic chemistries to solve real-world problems.
George Groh