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Humidity “Gets High” on Medicinal Marijuana

May 15, 2012

1 4 • I n t e r f a c e O c t o b e r 2 0 1 2
Medicinal marijuana is gaining
professional acceptance as a
treatment for many illnesses
such as cancer, AIDS, diabetes,
Parkinson’s, and more.
In 17 states and Washington, DC, there are
governmental regulations in place that legalize
the use, possession, and distribution of
medicinal marijuana.1 An additional seven
states currently have pending legislation
to make medicinal marijuana legal.2 These
new statutes have paved the way for an
evolving industry of growing marijuana as a
legitimate business. Many “grow rooms” are
appearing around the country, producing
medicine for customers of all classes. These
growing facilities vary in size, depending on
the number of patients they supply. A legal
grow facility can be as small as a residential
closet for personal use, or a commercial
warehouse supplying product to medicinal
clinics and thousands of patients.
Because the business is federally illegal
but legal by state law, these grow rooms
are often shrouded in secrecy for fear that
the federal government will intervene and
prosecute. For this reason, the facilities that
house these grow rooms are leased in most
cases and not designed to be used for this
purpose. The leased building is used until
the proprietor moves on, at which point
the building and any problems that may
have developed as a result of the previous
occupation are inherited by the property
owner. Many of these grow rooms are
located in warehouses designed as either
unconditioned or semiconditioned spaces.
The tenants or growers may not understand
the possible damage they could be causing
to a building without a properly designed
space. They are there for the quick dollar
and typically pay a premium rent due to the
type of business they conduct.
The nature of growing marijuana
involves operating in conditions of high
humidity. This atypical environment can
wreak havoc on a structure built for other
enterprises. Some of the tenants I have
come into contact with would not mind
spending the money to fix the problem correctly,
but they feel that it is too much of a
gamble for them to invest such a significant
amount due to the fact that their business
is still federally illegal, and the government
could shut them down at any time. These
tenants are looking for a temporary repair
that will last them a year or two until their
lease is up. In most cases, there is no easy
repair. By the time the problem is discovered,
it is usually too late, because the
damage has been done.
Grow Roo m Con ditions
The conditions of these grow rooms are
nearly identical to those of an indoor pool.
Temperatures between 75º and 85°F (24°C
to 30°C) and relative humidity (RH) values
between 60% and 65% or higher cause an
elevated dew point temperature.3 This elevated
level of humidity comes from the natural
transpiration of the plants themselves.
When plants are flowering, transpiration—
the release of water vapor through their
leaves—is at its peak. The high levels of relative
humidity can lead to condensation on
building components. Most buildings have
not been designed to handle the resulting
temperature gradient, moisture migration
via air movement, and vapor diffusion from
interior to exterior space. Elevated temperatures,
together with the higher RH, are even
more detrimental in cold climates where
winter temperatures are cooler for longer
periods of time. This causes the vapor drive
to be directed from inside to outside, where
it can be trapped within the wall/roof, or
the wall/roof components can be exposed
to this condition for a longer period of
time before it can naturally dry out. This
makes proper building envelope design very
Possib le Damage
Elevated temperature and RH can produce an ideal environment
for the propagation of biological growth and an increased
likelihood of building material deterioration. This can range
from moldy drywall and insulation facer to deteriorated structural
components. This can not only cause health issues from
poor indoor air quality, but can make the structure susceptible
to further damage from the elements.
There are three conditions required for biological growth:
moisture, warmth, and organics.4 All of
these conditions were present in the grow
room structures that were investigated.
This indicates a high likelihood of biological
growth development within these buildings,
much of which may be hidden from view
within a wall or roof system. The interior
operating conditions, building design, and
materials within the ceiling/wall system dictate
the amount of damage that can develop
and the rate at which deterioration and
biological growth begins. Photo 1 illustrates
a moisture probe reading of 40% moisture
content, the highest reading this equipment
model can indicate. The glue is migrating
out of the plywood, which will cause delamination
and loss of strength.
Photo 2 illustrates adjacent joist spaces
that were adequately ventilated. These
joist spaces had significantly less biological
growth and recorded much lower wood
moisture content.
With increased moisture also comes an
accelerated rate of building material deterioration.
Untreated wood should never be
subjected to moisture levels over 20%, due
to deterioration.5 Other roof decks of particular
concern are Tectum™ or gypsum roof
decks. These roof decks were never intended
to be subjected to high humidity environments
and can easily be weakened by the
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Photo 1 – Very high moisture content.
The surface of the wood was wet.
Photo 2 – Adequately ventilated space has
moisture content well within acceptable range.
absorption of moisture. As for wall systems, the use of wood
in walls can deteriorate and propagate biological growth, and
masonry wall systems are particularly susceptible to damage
when freeze/thaw conditions exist.
Case Study and Investig ation
A single-story, approximately 6,000-sq.-ft. masonry and
wood construction warehouse was reported to have roof leaks.
1 6 • I n t e r f a c e O c t o b e r 2 0 1 2
Photo 3 – Roof deck from below. Note dryness
of properly ventilated joist spacing.
Photo 4 – Moisture was accumulating between
the roof deck and the BUR.
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The originator of the call was a roofing
contractor. The building tenant indicated
the roof was leaking. The roofing contractor
had checked for leaks and believed that
condensation was causing the observed
moisture. In the structure’s three adjacent
grow rooms, the middle room ceiling had
been demolished, and the roof deck and
joists were visible.
The insulation was saturated and had
been removed. The roof covering was a polyvinyl
chloride (PVC) single-ply membrane
roof installed over ½-in. extruded polystyrene
(EXPS). The roof system was mechanically
attached over an existing built-up roof
(BUR) directly over a plywood roof deck. The
original roof insulation was fiberglass batts
located below the roof deck. Snow had been
cleared off of the roof by the roofing contractor
in order to perform intrusive testing. The
underside of the roof decking was observed
(Photo 3). Multiple roof samples were taken
above the observable area. Additional samples
were taken in a few specific locations, in
particularly dry and particularly wet areas,
to verify conditions above certain areas. The
following observations were made, which
indicated the observed moisture and resulting
damage were caused by internal moisture
load accumulations:
• The roof cuts showed the moisture
was present below the original BUR
only (Photo 4). None of the cuts had
evidence of moisture between the
BUR and the PVC membrane. This
indicates the moisture had traveled
up through the interior of the structure
and condensed on the bottom
side of the material, which had a
permeance low enough to retard the
flow of moisture—in this case, the
BUR. Because there was little insulation
above the BUR, the temperature
of its surface fell below the dew
point, which allowed condensation
to form.
• The underside of the roof deck had
evidence of moisture on nearly all
of the surfaces of the plywood. The
moisture content of the wood was
elevated in all but a few of the areas.
The locations that did not show evidence
of moisture deterioration were
between specific joist spaces that
had been vented to the outside.
• The “leaks” were observed predominantly
after cold spells of weather,
usually coinciding with the flowering
stage of the plants. This is the
time when the plant is largest and
at its highest rate of transpiration;
therefore, the room is at its highest
RH. This high RH, in combination
with a large temperature gradient
from interior to exterior, forms an
unfavorable condition if it does not
include a properly designed building
envelope and mechanical ventilation
• The walls were of a concrete masonry
unit (CMU) block, which was painted
multiple times on the outside only.
Paint can act as a vapor retarder
when applied in sufficient thickness.
Although no damage was observed
on the exterior of the building, it is
likely the moisture content near the
outside of that block was elevated.
Possib le Solutions
If the owner has been educated about
best practices for operating these grow
rooms, he or she can require the tenant
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to build out the space to minimize the
possibility of long-term structural damage.
Several plans can be implemented to reduce
humidity and its effect on the structure:
• Hire a qualified building envelope
consultant. This consultant should
have experience with temperature
gradients as well as hygrothermal
analysis and design of structures
such as indoor pools and/or refrigeration
• Install a properly insulated building
envelope with a vapor retarder
or barrier on the “warm-in-winter”
side of the insulation. Hygrothermal
calculations should be performed
on the proposed system to assure
the dew point does not occur at the
vapor retarder.5
• Incorporate a primary plane of airtightness
in the design/construction
so as to significantly limit the
amount of moisture-laden air transport.
• Properly ventilate the space between
the grow room wall and the exterior
wall. This could be done by creating
a “building” inside a building, making
the exterior of the grow room
the semiconditioned space of the
warehouse rather than the harsh
environment of the actual exterior of
the building.
• Install a properly designed mechanical
system to effectively ventilate
and/or dehumidify the air within
the grow area and minimize the
Proper building maintenance practices
should be implemented by owners who
choose to lease their buildings to grow facilities.
This will ensure that long-term damage
to their buildings is avoided. Basic methods
for investigating and designing these grow
facilities have been touched upon here,
but it is not the intent of this article to
completely educate the reader on growing
facility building design but rather to bring
their complexities to light. Each and every
building type, design, use, and occupancy
is different, so there is, unfortunately, not
a one-size-fits-all recommendation for the
retrofit design of a space to successfully
maintain a growing-room operation. It is the
responsibility of the consultant to educate
his or her clients (e.g., property managers
and building owners) about the possible
conditions that can be produced under
growing-room occupancy, as well as the
short- and long-term effects that it could
have on the structure of the building. With
proper design, these grow rooms can easily
be retrofitted into most buildings, making
for a good tenant, a healthy building, and
properly medicated people.
1. Mary Ellen Clark, “Medical Marijuana
Legalized in Connecticut,”, June 1, 2012,
care/#.T8lk6O3K2Ig. States that
have enacted laws to legalize medical
marijuana include Alaska, Arizona,
California, Colorado, Connecticut,
Delaware, Hawaii, Maine, Michigan,
Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, New
Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island,
Vermont, and Washington, as well
as Washington, DC.
2. Ibid. These states are Arkansas,
Illinois, Massachusetts, Missouri,
New York, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.
3. Anonymous.
4. Craig DeWitt, PhD, PE, “Wood
Moi-sture Content,” Jan. 3, 2002,
5. John Straube and Eric Burnett,
“Overview of Hygrothermal Analysis
Methods (HAM),” Moisture Analysis
and Condensation Control in
Building Envelopes, Chapter 5,
ASTM MNL40, 2001, Philadelphia,
PA, edited by Heinz R. Trechsel.
1 8 • I n t e r f a c e O c t o b e r 2 0 1 2
Dustin Smoot, RRC, RRO, LEED AP, is a forensic specialist
with Pie Consulting and Engineering, providing forensic
engineering services involving building envelope components.
Smoot’s technical expertise includes forensic investigation
and assessment of damage from weather, construction
defects, and product failures. His experience also includes
the preparation of bidding documents, peer reviews with
recommendations, and quality assurance observation. By
working as a contractor, an observer, a consultant, and a
designer, Smoot has gained extensive knowledge in building
envelope systems design, construction, and failure analysis.
He may be reached at
Dustin Smoot, RRC, RRO, LEED AP
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