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COVID-19 – Resources for IIBEC Members

IIBEC understands this is a time of great uncertainty, so we are providing this clearinghouse of information and resources to help you in managing your business through the crisis. Check back often as we will provide updates on an ongoing basis.
We would love to hear what IIBEC members are doing to maintain business operations during this uncertainty. Please let us know by contacting

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U.S. Federal Information

CARES Act Small Business Provisions

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act was signed by President Trump on March 27, 2020. This Act has certain provisions that apply to small businesses in need of assistance due to the pandemic. The programs are primarily designed to help employers rehire or retain employees. Read More.

U.S. Small Business Administration

Health and government officials are working together to maintain the safety, security, and health of the American people. Small businesses are encouraged to do their part to keep their employees, customers, and themselves healthy. Read More.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration

This web page provides information for workers and employers about the evolving coronavirus outbreak. The information includes links to interim guidance and other resources for preventing exposures to, and infection with, COVID-19. Read More.

OSHA COVID-19 Guidance for the Construction Workforce” (April 21, 2020) – View Document

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Resources for businesses and employers. Plan, prepare, and respond to coronavirus disease 2019. Visit Site.

U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

Guidance on the Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce. Read More.

Keeping Workers Employed

Canada Federal Information

Canada’s COVID-19 Emergency Response Act

The Parliament of Canada has formulated a response plan to help Canadians facing hardship as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. This response plan includes assistance for both individuals and businesses. The COVID-19 Emergency Response Act was recently passed by Parliament to provide an estimated $107 billion in assistance. Read More.

Lead Your Business Through the Coronavirus Crisis

The Covid-19 crisis has now reached a new critical phase where public health systems need to act decisively to contain the growth in new epicenters outside China. Read More.

The Association of Consulting Engineering Companies (ACEC)

The COVID 19 pandemic is challenging our people and our businesses in ways many of us had not planned. Managing a business through a pandemic crisis is a significant challenge. For this reason, ACEC has created this section of our website to support our member firms during this unprecedented event. Read More.

Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan

The Government of Canada is taking immediate, significant and decisive action to help Canadians facing hardship as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. Read More.

The COVID-19 Emergency Response Act Receives Royal Assent (From: Department of Finance Canada)

The Government of Canada is taking strong, immediate and effective action to protect Canadians and our economy from the impacts of the global COVID-19 pandemic. Read More.

Canadian Roofing Contractors Association COVID-19 Resources

CRCA continues to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic and response across Canada so we can best serve our members in these unique times, and we remain committed to providing the tools and resources to help achieve this. Read More.

Public Health

National Safety Council. Visit Site.

AIHA – American Industrial Hygiene Association; Back to Work Safely. Visit Site.

How to prepare for the Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Visit site.

World Health Organization. Visit site.

Johns Hopkins University: View Map.

State Information

State-by-State Coronavirus Construction Status Updates

Michigan governor asked by industry, including IIBEC and its Great Lakes Chapter, to consider the roofing industry and its supply chain as essential in the safe reopening of that state’s economy.

Pennsylvania to open work sites on May 1, 2020, with restrictions in place. Guidance for Businesses in the Construction Industry Permitted to Operate During the COVID-19 Disaster Emergency

ENR has compiled a list of U.S. states that have issued a shelter-in-place order for the general population, and whether or not construction activities are allowed to proceed at this time. This page will be updated with the latest information as it becomes available. Visit Site.

COVID-19 Policy Tracker
This page contains all of MultiState’s resources on the state and local government response to COVID-19/coronavirus. Visit Site.

Partner Organizations

ACEC (American Council of Engineering Companies) Visit site.

AIA (American Institute of Architects) Visit site.

ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) Visit site.

NRCA (National Roofing Contractors Association) Visit site.

Tips for Working From Home

  1. Dedicate a work space and make it your own to help separate home and work.
  2. Get dressed and prepare for work as you normally would.
  3. Set your work hours and be sure to take lunch.
  4.  Make a schedule for your day to help stay on task.
  5. Take short breaks throughout your day.
  6. When a meeting is needed, use your webcam instead of only using the phone.
  7. End your work day as you normally would in the office.

Business Resources

IIBEC Town Hall: COVID-19 and the Construction Industry

Audio Only:

Message from IIBEC CEO Brian Pallasch

As individuals, families, and businesses around the world deal with COVID-19, we are all in uncharted territory. Read More.

Straightforward Advice on Preserving Cash Flow

Professional service firms need to set appropriate fees for their services and collect those fees to stay profitable. Regular billing and follow-up will open communication about a client’s concerns that could otherwise lead to a fee dispute. Implementing billing controls can minimize the risks that come with trying to collect on an unpaid invoice. Read More.

Navigating the Economy: Architects Weather Ebb and Flow of Projects

Tight credit and a cagey market have combined to push many projects into limbo, forcing tricky decisions about staffing, project management, and spending. Read More.

An Architect’s Guide to Virtual Practice

Today, a new reality in architectural practice is that most architects are no longer interacting across their workstations. Instead, they are ‘virtually’ sharing ideas and drawings across digital platforms. Read More.

The AIA Foresight Report and navigating through a recession with new business models

Uncertain about the future? Looking for the latest trends that are transforming the design and construction industry? Need to know about disruptive technologies?

AIA has created tools to provide you with intelligence that can help you evaluate trends, prepare for potential changes, and learn from experts. Read More.

Small Firm Exchange

The mission of the AIA Small Firm Exchange (SFx) is to advance the mutual interests of architects practicing in small firms. Read More.

Avoid contract default when COVID-19 strikes

Design firms have two major challenges as COVID-19, or the coronavirus, continues to spread. The primary challenge is keeping employees as safe as possible. But the other challenge is strictly financial: what happens when a design firm cannot provide services because of the epidemic or government constraints in response to the pandemic? Read More.

Look to your contracts and OSHA during the pandemic

The design and construction industry is no exception to the concerns over safety and the efforts to control the spread of COVID-19. Design firms, their clients, and contractors working on projects should evaluate the physical and economic risks that the coronavirus outbreak could pose for their projects and take proactive measures. Read More.