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Dimension Stone Testing and Evaluation – The What, Why, When, and Where

October 11, 2024

Dimension Stone Testing and
Evaluation—The What, Why,
When, and Where

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By Matthew C. Farmer, PE
FeatureNATURAL STONE IS recognized and used
as a construction material throughout
our built world because of its visual and
textural diversity, timeless beauty, sense
of permanence, and association with
quality. Design professionals (including
architects, landscape architects, and interior
designers) rely on natural stone to create
the environments in which we live, work,
commune, and even memorialize past events
and individuals of significance from our history.
The considerable demand for “new” stone, in
combination with globalization, has opened
opportunities for suppliers from around the
world, many of whom have only recently
developed their natural stone resources for
commercial use. This rush to market can create
healthy competition and increase the volume
and diversity of stone available. However,
the lack of historical experience with some
stone types and inconsistent documentation
of their physical properties can lead to
the selection of unsuitable products and
unsuccessful outcomes (see Fig. 1 and 2).For
example, well-intentioned vendors may not
realize that a stone used for interior flooring
will not perform adequately in an exterior
cladding application.


Geologically, natural stones generally fall into
three categories based on the influences of
their formation: igneous, metamorphic, and
sedimentary. Stone is formed through the
application of heat and pressure over time on
minerals within the Earth’s crust, or through
deposition of degraded rock. The formation
process imparts certain inherent aesthetic,
structural, and performance characteristics.
Because the formation process is subject to
a wide range of heat, pressure, and time, all
stone in a given category will not have the same
characteristics and may most accurately fall
between two of the three categories.
Igneous stone is formed from underground
volcanic activity that produces molten material,
which moves to the surface as lava under high
temperature and pressure and then cools to
form rock. Principal minerals are silica, mica,
and feldspar.
Sedimentary rock is formed by the constant
layering of marine organism fossils and
weathered igneous or metamorphic rock as
sediment. Over time, the pressure of the material
weight and natural binders (such as iron oxide,
clay, calcium, and silica) bond the materials
together to form stratified stone formations or
bedding planes.
Metamorphic stone forms from accumulation
of sedimentary or igneous rock that continues
to be exposed to extreme temperature and
pressure for long periods, during which time
they can be broken down and reformed or mixed
with fluids or other materials.
From a mineralogy standpoint, stone can be
divided into two general categories: those that
contain silica (siliceous) and those containing
calcium carbonate (calcareous).
ASTM International is responsible for
industry-recognized standard specifications
for building materials, including the most
commonly used natural stone types in the
building construction industry. The following are
the ASTM specifications for seven commercial
classifications, each of which include minimum
physical properties:
• ASTM C503, Standard Specification for Marble
Dimension Stone2
• ASTM C568, Standard Specification for
Limestone Dimension Stone3
10 • IIBEC Interface October 2024
• ASTM C615, Standard Specification for Granite
Dimension Stone4
• ASTM C616, Standard Specification for Quartz-
Based Dimension Stone5
• ASTM C629, Standard Specification for Slate
Dimension Stone6
• ASTM C1526, Standard Specification for
Serpentine Dimension Stone7
• ASTM C1527, Standard Specification for
Travertine Dimension Stone8
Table 1 contrasts the ASTM classifications
with the traditional geologic and
mineralogic categories.



The standard specifications for each stone
classification include minimum values for
physical property testing that are directly
relevant to the engineering of that stone in most
building applications. Each test set includes 5
specimens that are each fully dry, saturated, cut
parallel to the stone rift (the direction the stone
is most easily split), and cut perpendicular to the
rift, for a total of 20 specimens to bracket the
likely range of values that could occur in service.
FIGURE 1. Permanently stained interior flooring from moisture exposure.
FIGURE 2. Bowing of marble cladding panels due to hysteresis.
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ASTM C1799, Standard Guide to Dimension
Stone Test Specimen Sampling and Preparation,9
describes the conditions under which physical
testing is performed and provides guidance on
the frequency of testing based on the volume of
stone used for a project.
The following are tests that are directly
relevant to actual stone engineering in each
standard stone specification:
• ASTM C97, Standard Test Methods for
Absorption and Bulk Specific Gravity of
Dimension Stone.10 The specific gravity
portion of this testing method provides a
convenient and accurate means of calculating
the unit weight of natural stone. Specimens
are typically 2 in.(50 mm) cubes, but cylinders
or prisms of specific dimensions can also
be used.
❏ ASTM C99, Standard Test Method for Modulus of
Rupture of Dimension Stone.11 Modulus of rupture
provides a value that can be used in bending
calculations and anchor design in the absence of
ASTM C880 testing (described below). This test
method incorporates a single load application
point, which is typically also the point of breaking
stress. The specimens are a standard size,
independent of project-specific dimensions.
• ASTM C120, Standard Test Methods for Flexure
Testing of Structural and Roofing Slate.12
Given the prolific use of building slate for
roofing, the slate industry relies on a single
test standard for shingles as well as structural
slate.The specimens are a standard size,
independent of project-specific dimensions.
The breaking load is determined for shingles,
and the modulus of rupture is the test value
for structural slate.
• ASTM C170, Standard Test Method of
Compressive Strength of Dimension Stone.13
Surprisingly, compressive strength is
not typically considered critical in stone
engineering, except when stone elements
are stacked.Stone compressive strength is
typically relatively high when compared with
other building materials and rarely controls
a stone design.Specimens are typically 2
in.(50 mm) cubes, but cylinders of specific
dimensions can also be used.
❏ ASTM C880, Standard Test Method for Flexural
Strength of Dimension Stone.14 This method
measures flexural strength used in bending calculations,
among other design checks (Fig. 3).
The testing uses specimens of project-specific
stone thicknesses, with the length and width
determined as a ratio of the thickness. It also
incorporates two load application points, thereby
exposing a wider area of the specimen to stress
and providing a more accurate value of flexural
strength for a specific project application. For
these reasons, stone engineers typically prefer
this test method over modulus of rupture for cladding
and paving design. The standard specifications
for limestone (ASTM C568), quartz-based
stone (ASTM C616), and slate (ASTM C629) are the
only standard specifications that do not include
requirements for flexural strength (ASTM C880).
The specifications for these three classes of materials
require the use of modulus of rupture for
bending calculations; however, stone engineers
may require flexural strength testing for these
stone classifications.
• ASTM C1354, Standard Test Method for
Strength of Individual Stone Anchorages in
Dimension Stone.15 Strength of the stone
is only part of the information necessary to
design a successful stone installation. The
interaction between the proposed anchorage
system and the stone is arguably as important.
There are countless ways to secure stone
cladding to a substrate, and ASTM C1242,
Standard Guide for Selection, Design, and
Installation of Dimension Stone Attachment
Systems,16 discusses many of those methods.
The ASTM C1354 test method determines the
capacity of the stone and anchor assembly,
which is particularly important for unique
anchor designs, or for highly variable stone
types where standard calculation assumptions
or analytical modeling may be overly
conservative or insufficiently accurate.
In addition to physical property testing that
is necessary to engineer stone for a specific
application, there are several common tests
for natural stone that are predictive regarding
long-term performance. The following test
methods can help the designer determine
whether the stone will be appropriate for a given
application from a serviceability standpoint, and
whether it will remain structurally sound over the
intended service life of the project:
• ASTM C97, Standard Test Methods for
Absorption and Bulk Specific Gravity of
Dimension Stone.10 The absorption portion
of this test method is used as a predictive
indicator of stain resistance and is sometimes
used to predict resistance to distress from
cycles of freezing and thawing. Specimens are
typically 2 in. (50 mm) cubes, but cylinders
or prisms of specific dimensions can also
be used.
• ASTM C217, Standard Test Methods for
Weather Resistance of Slate.18 Exclusively
required for slate dimension stone and
shingles, this test method assesses the
softening caused by the application of mild
acid, which is intended to simulate exposure
to acid rain.
• ASTM C666, Standard Test Method For
Resistance of Concrete to Rapid Freezing and
Thawing.19 This standard was developed to
TABLE 1. Stone classifications by geology and mineralogy
Geologic category Mineralogic category ASTM classifications Common types of building
stones unclassified by ASTM
Siliceous Quartz-based (sandstone,
bluestone, quartzite and similar)
Calcareous Limestone, travertine Onyx
Siliceous Slate, serpentine Schist, gneiss,
Calcareous Marble
Igneous Siliceous Granite Basalt
12 • IIBEC Interface October 2024
evaluate concrete durability, but it is often
specified for natural stone. Unfortunately,
its applicability is limited; experience has
shown that the method of evaluation is not
appropriate for many natural stones and
can mischaracterize potential in-service
performance. Use of this test should be limited
to comparison of possible stone selections.
• ASTM C1353, Standard Test Method for
Abrasion Resistance of Dimension Stone
Subjected to Foot Traffic Using a Rotary
Platform Abraser.20 Abrasion resistance based
on laboratory testing is helpful in predicting
the in-service behavior of natural stone in
situations where it will be subject to abrasion
from foot traffic or abrasion in general.
• ASTM C1721, Standard Guide for the
Petrographic Examination of Dimension
Stone.21 This guide is used to evaluate the
physical and chemical characteristics of the
stone (mineralogy, texture, composition), and
other features that may have a bearing on
the in-service performance of the material.
Petrographic examination uses microscopy
and examination under various wavelengths
of light to characterize a specimen. These
methods are valuable to identify and
classify stone, and they also can identify
characteristics that can be deleterious to the
installation. Typically, the supplier selects a
small specimen, perhaps less than 1 ft2 (0.1
m2) in area and sends it to a petrographer for
examination. However, it is best to provide a
larger sample (as large as practical, such as
a full wall cladding panel or paver) and allow
the petrographer to perform a macroscopic
examination and then select a specimen
based on that assessment for more detailed
petrographic examination. This approach
takes full advantage of the petrographer’s
experience in identifying characteristics of
potential concern to examine.
• ANSI A137.1, Standard Specifications for
Ceramic Tile.22 Although these specifications
are technically for ceramic tiles, the dynamic
coefficient of friction (DCOF) portion of this
standard is used to determine slip resistance
of natural stone in paving and flooring
applications and provides a recommended
value for compliance. Currently, there is
no mandatory DCOF requirement, but
there are industry recommendations
from the Occupational Safety and Health
Administration,23 and within the Americans
with Disabilities Act.24
• Accelerated weathering protocol. Currently
there is no formal stone industry-accepted
standard for accelerated weathering to
assess potential environmental effects
on natural stone over time. Wiss, Janney,
Elstner Associates Inc. has proposed a
testing protocol to ASTM that involves cyclic
temperature changes to simulate in-service
temperatures and cycles of freezing and
thawing, plus exposure to mildly acidic water
spray to simulate acid rain. Physical property
testing of the stone is performed before and
after multiple temperature cycles to measure
any losses that can be associated with
durability, such as strength and absorption.
This testing approach is commonly used
for large-scale or high-profile projects to
compare proposed stone selections, but
it is not accepted by ASTM as a formal test
• EN 12370, Determination of Resistance to Salt
Crystallization.25 This is a European standard
adopted by the European Committee for
Standardization (CEN), European Committee
for Electrotechnical Standardization
(CENELEC), and European Telecommunications
Standards Institute (ETSI). It is often used
to evaluate stone that may be exposed
to elevated levels of chlorides for deicing
purposes, or to determine suitability of a stone
for placement at grade and in contact with
soil. This test evaluates the impact of salts
dissolved in water and absorbed into a stone
specimen, which is then dried, leaving the
salts to recrystallize with the stone.
• EN 16306, Determination of Resistance of
Marble to Thermal and Moisture Cycles.26 This
is another EN standard that is used in the US
market; it helps to determine susceptibility
of the specimen to bowing and strength
loss through hysteresis (deformation and/or
strength loss resulting from to cyclic heating
and cooling exacerbated by cyclic wetting
and drying that results in the separation and
dislocation of the mineral grain structure
and permanent volume change), a condition
associated primarily with several types of
marble (both foreign and domestic) and some
types of limestone.
New Work in Stone Testing
Stone material specification and testing
standards are the responsibility of ASTM C18,
Committee on Dimension Stone. In addition
to maintaining and updating the existing
ASTM standards, the committee considers
new work items and develops new standards
or guides related to the use of natural stone in
building construction. Current and planned test
standard work items include a stone-specific
test protocol for resistance to freezing and
thawing, salt crystallization resistance (similar
to EN 12370), and possibly a procedure similar
to EN 16306 to evaluate stone potential for
strength loss and bowing.
Stone is stone, right? Wrong. Stone is a natural
material and extremely diverse in its origin,
minerology, and physical properties.
FIGURE 3. Stone specimen tested in accordance with C880 to determine flexural strength.
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There are several reasons why it is difficult,
if not impossible, to determine the physical
properties for many stone types from visual
examination or by applying what is thought to
be the relevant classification standard. Stone
classifications are defined for construction
purposes by ASTM International in the United
States, and by other construction material
standards organizations around the world. The
classifications are generally based on common
mineralogy and physical properties. However,
stone properties can vary from classification
to classification, within classifications, and
even within the same quarry. Furthermore,
the consistency of the physical properties of
a stone can also vary. Another concern is that
suppliers sometimes misclassify materials
(for example, labeling marble as granite, or
limestone as marble). These misclassifications
can contribute to erroneous assumptions about
whether a particular material is appropriate for
a given application. Also, trade names for the
same type of stone may vary depending on
the quarry or supplier from which it originates.
Quarries a few miles apart may provide
essentially the same stone under differing
names for marketing purposes.
For most building applications, the stone
must support at least its own weight as well
as some applied loads. Whether the loads are
vertically or horizontally applied, stone must be
engineered to support them. In conventional
construction, the structural engineering of
stone is typically delegated to a stone specialist
who is more familiar with the variability of
stone, appropriate safety factors, and the
fabrication standards that will influence the
design. The delegated stone design engineer
can determine the demand with a high
degree of certainty through application of
material properties, anticipated dimensions,
and relevant codes, However, they cannot
estimate the capacity of the stone unless they
have a resource for determining stone-specific
physical properties.
The logical answer to the concerns raised
herein is to improve designers’ understanding
of and reliance on natural stone testing
to determine the physical properties
necessary to implement successful designs.
It is customary for a competent design
professional to require physical property
testing of concrete to ensure that its capacity
will meet the required demand and that it
will be durable in service. It would seem that
a similar level of quality control should be
implemented for stone when it is used in
critical applications to ensure structural and
serviceability expectations are met.
Stone Selection
Natural stone is selected for applications
in building construction largely based on
appearance, not performance. Aesthetics often
drive design decisions and can lead to innovative
uses of stone colors, characteristics, or textures
that enhance our built environment. There is
nothing wrong with this approach, provided that
the physical properties of the chosen stone are
understood so that its appropriateness for the
application can be confirmed.
When stones from exotic classifications or
unusual stone types within a classification are
being considered for an atypical application,
relevant physical property data may not be
available or current. In the absence of adequate
physical property data, one can consider using
the industry-minimum properties for the
particular stone classification, but that can be a
problematic approach. Unfamiliar stones may be
misclassified by the supplier, leading the design
to erroneously make favorable assumptions that
could mask a potential risk of failure. Conversely,
a preferred stone selection could be eliminated
from consideration because assumptions about
strength or performance are overly conservative,
pushing the designer to unnecessarily consider
alternatives. Current stone test data can help the
producer by fairly evaluating and representing
their products, as well as the designer by
providing reliable data about using the desired
stone in the intended application.
The ASTM standard specifications provide
the minimum requirements for a stone type
to be categorized in one of the classifications
described earlier. They are a lower-bound
benchmark for preliminary stone engineering
purposes. If the stone supplier certifies that
the stone meets the ASTM standard, then they
have the obligation to ensure through periodic
testing that the stone supplied complies with
the minimum physical properties for the entire
period the stone is quarried, which can be
decades. If the stone does not meet the standard
requirements for compliance, the stone can still
be considered for use; however, the designer
should obtain reliable test data for a preliminary
assessment to determine the material’s
appropriateness for the intended use.
Typical Stone Applications and
the Physical Properties Needed
for Design
The primary structural applications of stone
in our built environment include exterior
cladding, exterior paving, interior cladding, and
interior flooring. Testing can be critical in such
applications to determine the selected stone is
appropriate for a particular use.
Of the stone applications, exterior cladding
carries the greatest risk if it fails. A cladding
failure can be costly and disruptive to building
ownership and its tenants, and it can be a danger
to the public. A stone panel falling from any
height can have devastating consequences.
Because exterior cladding carries such a
clear structural risk, it is critical to obtain
the most accurate data about the physical
properties of materials selected for its design.
Thin-stone-cladding design largely relies
on flexural strength and anchor strength for
structural adequacy. Cladding design must also
consider findings from petrographic examination
to determine a material’s staining potential and
identify stone defects that could compromise
structural performance. In some environments,
product data about moisture absorption and
accelerated weathering are needed to determine
whether strength loss or stone deterioration from
environmental effects should be considered in
the design.
Exterior paving is exposed to constant
pedestrian traffic, precipitation, temperature
extremes, and sometimes substantial vehicular
loads (such as emergency vehicles). Therefore,
the stones used in exterior paving applications
must be very durable. To evaluate durability,
petrographic examination is critical to identify
deficiencies that can lead to premature
deterioration or cracking. Absorption test
findings are useful to assess stain resistance,
and data about resistance to cycles of freezing
and thawing are important since paving can
remain saturated for long periods of time.
Abrasion resistance data provide a measure
of how quickly a stone will degrade under
foot traffic. Slip resistance data can be used
to assess whether additional treatments are
necessary to reduce the risk of pedestrian
injury. From a structural standpoint, data
about the flexural strength of paving materials
guides the determination of material thickness,
whether the installation is supported on a
setting bed, or the pavers span between
supports points in a pedestal system.
The structural risks associated with interior
cladding failure are similar to those associated
with exterior cladding failure. However, the
structural and environmental demands on
interior cladding are lower than those placed on
exterior cladding. Design of interior cladding
relies primarily on data about flexural strength
and anchor strength to resist interior pressure
differentials. Compressive strength can also
be a factor for some thinner stone-cladding
installations that rely on stacking.
Interior flooring (in public spaces such as
lobbies) can be deceptively challenging to
14 • IIBEC Interface October 2024
design. Owners and designers may desire
particular stone types and finishes desired for
aesthetic reasons, but the materials must also
stand up to constant foot traffic plus water,
sand, and snow-melt chemicals tracked onto
the flooring from the exterior. Interior flooring
design largely relies on information about
flexural strength, absorption (stain resistance),
abrasion resistance, and slip resistance.
Table 2 summarizes general
recommendations regarding the relevance
of various direct-use and predictive stone
testing procedures to the four main structural
applications for stone described in this section.
Obtaining accurate and current data about a
product’s physical properties for use in stone
design is always good practice, and such data
are often readily available from suppliers that
understand the need for regular testing of their
products. But when reliable physical property
data are not available from the supplier, stone
testing is critical in certain situations to ensure
a safe and reliable installation. The importance
or visibility of a project is an important factor
when considering stone testing. Selection of
stone for a prominent monument, museum,
or institutional building with an expected
service life of 100 years or more demands a
comprehensive evaluation of proposed options.
The decisions made regarding which stone to use
can have an impact on repair and maintenance
costs for generations.
Designers should also prioritize testing
of stones that could be used for buildings in
challenging environments. Environmental
challenges can include extreme heat or cold,
frequent cycles of freezing and thawing coupled
with precipitation, high-wind events such as
hurricanes or tornadoes, sandstorms, heavy
pollution, and acid rain. Testing can provide
TABLE 2. Relevant stone testing methods by application and stone classification
Test methods
Exterior cladding Exterior paving Interior cladding Interior flooring
Direct use*
ASTM C97 M, G, L, Q, SI, T, Se M, G, L, Q, SI, T, Se M, G, L, Q, SI, T, Se M, G, L, Q, SI, T, Se
ASTM C170 M, G, L, Q, SI, T, Se M, G, L, Q, SI, T, Se M, G, L, Q, SI, T, Se M, G, L, Q, SI, T, Se
ASTM C880 M, G, T, Se M, G, T, Se M, G, T, Se M, G, T, Se
ASTM C1354 M, G, L, Q, SI, T, Se M, G, L, Q, SI, T, Se
Predictive use†
ASTM C97 M, G, L, Q, SI, T, Se M, G, L, Q, SI, T, Se M, G, L, Q, SI, T, Se M, G, L, Q, SI, T, Se
ASTM C666‡ M, G, L, Q, SI, T, Se M, G, L, Q, SI, T, Se
ASTM C1353 M, G, L, Q, SI, T, Se M, G, L, Q, SI, T, Se M, G, L, Q, SI, T, Se
ASTM C1721 M, G, L, Q, SI, T, Se M, G, L, Q, SI, T, Se M, G, L, Q, SI, T, Se M, G, L, Q, SI, T, Se
ANSI A137.1 M, G, L, Q, SI, T, Se M, G, L, Q, SI, T, Se
EN 12370 M, G, L, Q, SI, T, Se M, G, L, Q, SI, T, Se M, G, L, Q, SI, T, Se
EN 16306 M, G, L, Q, SI, T, Se M, G, L, Q, SI, T, Se
weathering M, G, L, Q, SI, T, Se M, G, L, Q, SI, T, Se
Abbreviations: G = granite; L = limestone; M = marble; Q = quartz-based; Se= serpentine; Sl = slate; T= travertine.
*Uses directly related to engineering and design of stone systems.
†Uses related to predicting in-service behavior.
‡Testing should be limited to comparative testing and may require modifications to evaluation methods for some stones.
October 2024 IIBEC Interface • 15
valuable insights into long-term performance
under these adverse conditions.
A stone supplier may be able to provide
examples of similar installations in similar
environments with the same stone being
considered. Depending on the amount of time
the stone has been in service, these exemplars
can be one of the best ways to predict long-term
performance of a particular stone. An exemplar
does not eliminate the need for physical property
data to complete a design, but it can reduce
the amount of predictive testing warranted
based on the similarities between the exemplar
and the proposed application. Conversely, the
absence of exemplars heightens the need for
comprehensive physical property data from
stone testing, as the lack of information can be
an indication that the stone is not commonly
used for the intended application.
Atypical or unusual stone applications—such
as sloped or inverted cladding, applications
incorporating a particularly aggressive stone
finishing technique (potentially causing
microfractures), or applications using stones
as structural members to carry more load
than self-weight— require special attention.
The more unique the application is, the more
unpredictable the performance and outcome
can be. Highly unpredictable scenarios demand
a high level of engineering conservatism.
Accurate physical property test data can help
designers mitigate risks associated with
unusual applications.
Some stone types are known to have natural
characteristics that can lead to adverse outcomes
when in service. For example, pyrite inclusions
can cause rust-colored staining, and some
types of marble are prone to strength loss
through hysteresis. Stone testing establishes
a benchmark for use in design, but more
importantly, predictive testing can inform
choices about stone selection based on how the
natural characteristics of materials will likely
affect in-service performance.
One of the most distinctive and attractive
features of natural stones are their variability in
appearance— no two pieces of the same stone
will ever look the same. But that variability
in appearance can also mean that physical
properties are inconsistent. Stone that is highly
variable in appearance should be extensively
tested in an effort to benchmark the range of
physical properties resulting from compositional
variations such as differences in the density and
directionality of veining, the presence of various
metals or other substances, and the presence of
voids, fissures, and seams.
Because stone is a natural material, its
physical properties are often associated with
the location where it is quarried. Some quarries
encompass large areas in which the geologic
features can vary, leading to different physical
properties from one part of the quarry to another.
Designers should also be aware that the test
data provided from a particular quarry may be
for a stone that is several years old and may not
accurately represent current production.(ASTM
C17999 recommends stone test data that are
less than 3 years old for this reason.) Designers
should not rely on out-of-date test data, and the
lack of current test data can serve as a warning
that the stone has not been used in a recent
application that requires engineering.
Some classifications of stone require more
conservative safety factors than others. A higher
safety factor is an indicator that the physical
properties are less consistent historically or
can vary from stone type to type within a
classification. When larger safety factors are
involved, accurate test data are important
to obtain physical property values that are
not overly conservative. Conservative values
combined with large safety factors can lead to
a design that is not cost effective, or simply less
efficient and more expensive than necessary.
Some recent industry trends also increase
the need for stone testing and accurate physical
property data. For example, designers of
applications such as rain screen systems in which
stone is exposed to more severe environmental
conditions require informative physical property
data. Also, recent emphasis on sustainability has
prompted scrutiny of the efficiency of all types
of building products, including natural stone,
which is energy intensive to produce and ship.
The use of locally sourced stone materials may
help meet sustainability goals and reduce costs
on some projects, but designers must consider
physical property test data before selecting
these materials.
Evaluation of stone testing has value at several
stages of a project and can serve multiple
objectives. Four major objectives to consider are
feasibility, verification, material acceptance, and
quality assurance.
Stone Product Feasibility
At the beginning of a project involving stone
applications, designers may consider multiple
stone types, with the initial evaluation of
materials largely based on design intent and
aesthetics. Once the options are established,
physical property testing (including petrographic
examination) should be solicited from the
vendors. In some cases, the testing data
made available are incomplete, not current,
derived from non-ASTM test standards, or
written in a foreign language. If the design
team encounters any of these issues, a second
request for information should be made, with
specific instructions to contact the quarry and
improve the quality of the test data provided.
The quarry may have more current test data than
the vendors that market the stone. In addition to
test data, designers should request information
about exemplars from both the quarries and
the vendors (asking both for information is
prudent because their project references will
be different). Of particular interest are any local
applications that the design team can visit with
minimal effort. Note that this process of inquiry
will likely result in some relevant test data for
some of the stone options, but it probably will
not provide a complete set of information for any
of the options.
Based on the information provided, the
stone classifications should be verified. As
noted earlier, the quarry or the vendor might
misclassify a stone for marketing reasons or
out of ignorance. Verification is critical since
the purpose is to benchmark the physical
test data to the appropriate ASTM standard.
Once the correct classification is established,
the provided test data should be interpreted
as well as possible, such as by comparing EN
standards to ASTM standards or by obtaining
translations of non-English-language
The data about each stone under
consideration can be generally compared with
the other options and the minimum ASTM
standards. Depending on the stone application,
attention should be focused on certain tests,
such as moisture absorption for flooring and
flexural strength for cladding. If the most critical
test data for the application are not available,
that lack of information suggests that the stone
may not be appropriate for the intended use.
The supplier may not be willing to perform any
additional testing at this stage, but they should
know that the stone may not be considered
further unless reliable data are provided. The
design team should note any major outliers in
the data (that is, values that are abnormally low
or abnormally high). The test results should also
be compared with publicly available published
data from other suppliers (if available) to look for
any major discrepancies.
Once this evaluation process is complete, the
design team can loosely rank the stone options,
with those that have less desirable performance
or insufficient test data at the lower end.At this
stage, the team may add or eliminate options
16 • IIBEC Interface October 2024
from consideration based on design intent, so
the process remains fluid.
By the time stone types are being
considered, the design team may have
application formats and preliminary designs
that indicate the parameters in which the
stone will be used. Having this information as
early in the process as possible helps ensure
that the appropriate stone types are being
considered to avoid a potential mismatch
between physical properties of the stone and
the demands of the application.
Verification of the Stones Selected
for a Project
Once the stone types have been selected for
specific applications, any gaps or concerns with
the provided test data should be addressed to
ensure that the selections are suitable for the
applications. At this point, the quarry should be
willing to supply comprehensive ASTM-specified
test data that is representative of their current
production, even if they must obtain additional
testing. In the feasibility stage, the design
team used conservative values based on the
classification (either the ASTM minimums or the
actual test values provided) to determine that
the selected stone type can be suitable for the
applications. The physical test data provided
at this verification stage will be used for final
stone engineering to make sure unit sizes and
thicknesses will work based on the design
loads anticipated.
Depending on the application and the project
environment, predictive testing should be
considered at this stage if relevant exemplars
are unavailable. This is the last opportunity to
evaluate the appropriateness of the selected
stone before it is specified.
Material Acceptance
On some projects, a considerable period of time
can pass between specifying a stone and the
submittal process, and in that time, the stone
production can change. Therefore, design teams
may perform quarry visits during the material
acceptance stage to verify that the selection
of the stone meets the design requirements,
and that quarry can achieve the production
goals. Specific blocks of stone may be selected
based on appearance. As part of the acceptance
process, the quarry should be required to provide
samples of the stone selected so that physical
testing can be conducted by independent
laboratory to make sure that the specimens meet
the minimum design requirements and do not
contain any undetected flaws or features that
could compromise the installation. This process
helps establish whether any culling of stone may
be needed to provide only material that meets
the project requirements.
Quality Assurance during
To ensure the material that is being delivered
throughout the installation is consistent in
quality and physical properties, testing should
be performed periodically on material selected
at random from the delivered shipments. The
scope of testing can often be scaled back to only
the most critical properties for the application,
and the frequency of testing may be determined
by considering the uniqueness of the stone,
the quantity of stone being installed, and the
variability in data obtained during prior testing.
As long as the test results obtained are generally
consistent and in line with expectations, the
material delivered should be compliant with the
project requirements.
Many stone projects can be constructed and
perform well without project-specific physical
property testing. In particular, project-specific
testing may not be needed when projects use
stone products that have a long history of success
and a reputation for consistent production, and
there are historical test data to demonstrate
that the selected products meet industry
requirements for the classification. Also, not all
the physical testing methods discussed in this
paper are relevant to every application. It also
must be acknowledged that stone testing has a
cost. Therefore, it is up to the design team and
the suppliers to make good decisions about
what, why, when, and where stone testing
will be a benefit to a project. Ultimately, the
objective of stone testing is to ensure that design
requirements will be met and to reduce risk of
costly failures for all the parties involved.
1 Natural Stone Institute (NSI). 2022. Dimension
Stone Design Manual 2022.Oberlin, OH: NSI.
2 ASTM International. 2022. Standard Specification for
Marble Dimension Stone. ASTM C503/C503M-22.
West Conshohocken, PA: ASTM International.
3 ASTM International. 2022. Standard Specification
for Limestone Dimension Stone. ASTM
C568/C568M-22. West Conshohocken, PA:
ASTM International.
4 ASTM International. 2018. Standard Specification for
Granite Dimension Stone. ASTM C615/C615M-18e1.
West Conshohocken, PA: ASTM International.
5 ASTM International. 2022. Standard Specification
for Quartz-Based Dimension Stone. ASTM
C616/C616M-22. West Conshohocken, PA:
ASTM International.
6 ASTM International. 2022. Standard Specification for
Slate Dimension Stone. ASTM C629/C629M-22. West
Conshohocken, PA: ASTM International.
7 ASTM International. 2023. Standard Specification
for Serpentine Dimension Stone. ASTM
C1526-19 (2023)e1. West Conshohocken, PA:
ASTM International.
8 ASTM International. 2018. Standard Specification
for Travertine Dimension Stone. ASTM C1527/
C1527M-11(2018). West Conshohocken, PA:
ASTM International.
9 ASTM International. 2022. Standard Guide to
Dimension Stone Test Specimen Sampling and
Preparation. ASTM C1799/ C1799M-22e1. West
Conshohocken, PA: ASTM International.
10 ASTM International. 2018. Standard Test Methods for
Absorption and Bulk Specific Gravity of Dimension
Stone. ASTM C97/ C97M-18. West Conshohocken,
PA: ASTM International.
11 ASTM International. 2018. Standard Test Method
for Modulus of Rupture of Dimension Stone.
ASTM C99/C99M-18. West Conshohocken, PA:
ASTM International.
12 ASTM International. 2019. Standard Test Methods
for Flexure Testing of Structural and Roofing Slate.
ASTM C120/C120M- 19. West Conshohocken, PA:
ASTM International.
13 ASTM International. 2019. Standard Test Method
of Compressive Strength of Dimension Stone.
ASTM C170/C1708M- 19. West Conshohocken, PA:
ASTM International.
14 ASTM International. 2023. Standard Test Method
for Flexural Strength of Dimension Stone. ASTM
C880/C880M-23. West Conshohocken, PA:
ASTM International.
15 ASTM International. 2022. Standard Test Method
for Strength of Individual Stone Anchorages in
Dimension Stone. ASTM C1354/C1354M-22. West
Conshohocken, PA: ASTM International.
16 ASTM International. 2023. Standard Guide for
Selection, Design, and Installation of Dimension
Stone Attachment Systems. ASTM C1242-23b. West
Conshohocken, PA: ASTM International.
17 Kneezel, D.2016. Primer: Evaluating Stone
Durability. Northbrook, IL: Wiss, Janney, Elstner
Associates Inc.
18 ASTM International. 2022. Standard Test Methods for
Weather Resistance of Slate. ASTM C217/C217M-22.
West Conshohocken, PA: ASTM International.
19 ASTM International. 2015. Standard Test Method
For Resistance of Concrete to Rapid Freezing
and Thawing. ASTM C666/ C666M-15. West
Conshohocken, PA: ASTM International.
20 ASTM International. 2020. Standard Test Method for
Abrasion Resistance of Dimension Stone subjected
to Foot Traffic Using a Rotary Platform Abraser. ASTM
C1353/C1353M-20e1. West Conshohocken, PA:
ASTM International.
October 2024 IIBEC Interface • 17
21 ASTM International. 2022. Standard Guide for
Petrographic Examination of Dimension Stone.
ASTM C1721-22. West Conshohocken, PA:
ASTM International.
22 American National Standards Institute (ANSI).
2022. Standard Specifications for Ceramic Tile. ANSI
A137.1:2022. Washington, DC: ANSI.
23 Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA). 2003. “Static Coefficients of Friction
for Walking/ Working Surfaces.” OSHA website
(archived document). Accessed December
26, 2023.
24 U.S. Access Board. n.d. “Chapter 3: Floor and
Ground Surfaces.” Guide to the ADA Accessibility
Standards. Accessed December 26, 2023.
25 European Committee for Standardization
(CEN).2020. Natural Stone Test Methods:
Determination of Resistance to Salt
Crystallization. EN 12370:2020. Brussels,
Belgium: CEN.
26 European Committee for Standardization (CEN).
2022. Natural Stone Test Methods: Determination of
Resistance of Marble to Thermal and Moisture Cycles.
EN 16306:2022. Brussels, Belgium: CEN.
Matthew C. Farmer,
PE Natural stone is
recognized and used
as a construction
material throughout
our built world
because of its visual
and textural diversity,
timeless beauty,
sense of permanence,
and association
with quality. Design
professionals (including architects, landscape
architects, and interior designers) rely on natural
stone to create the environments in which we
live, work, commune, and even memorialize
past events and individuals of significance from
our history. The considerable demand for “new”
stone, in combination with globalization, has
opened opportunities for suppliers from around
the world, many of whom have only recently
developed their natural stone resources for
commercial use. This rush to market can create
healthy competition and increase the volume
and diversity of stone available. However, the
lack of historical experience with some stone
types and inconsistent documentation of their
physical properties can lead to the selection
of unsuitable products and unsuccessful
outcomes (see Fig. 1 and 2). For example,
well-intentioned vendors may not realize that a
stone used for interior flooring will not perform
adequately in an exterior cladding application.
Special Interest
Special interest
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18 • IIBEC Interface October 2024