Check the source! Find chapter news on RCI Affiliated Chapter websites.
Chapter leaders can download resources, including the Chapter Awards Program Application, from the Member Resources page of RCI’s website.
In August: Georgia Chapter Hosts RCI, Inc. Exterior Walls Technology & Science Course.
The RCI Florida Chapter presented a one-day educational program at the Soprema Meeting Facility in Pompano Beach, Florida. The seminar drew 72 attendees from around the region, and each participant received five RCI continuing education hours (CEHs), as well as a full breakfast and lunch. Program seminars included a review of various roofing, waterproofing, and exterior wall systems, as well as presentations on common problems regarding insulation and condensation within roof assemblies. Additionally, ten vendors provided tabletop displays for networking sessions between the educational seminars. Chapter President Carey Hunt, RRO, provided a chapter update and information on upcoming events from the chapter and RCI, Inc.
Upcoming Florida Chapter educational events include: September 14, 2017 – RCI Florida education program in Boca Raton, Florida October 26, 2017 – Building Envelope Quality Assurance course in Orlando, Florida October 27, 2017 – Rooftop Quality Assurance course in Orlando, Florida
For more information about these events or upcoming chapter social happenings, check the RCI Florida Chapter website at
On July 28, the Great Lakes Chapter is hosting its 10th annual baseball game and tailgate party. The mighty Detroit Tigers are taking on the Houston Astros. The tailgate party starts at 3 PM with the first pitch thrown at 7 PM. Come join us, it’s always a good time with great camaraderie!
Additional upcoming Great Lakes Chapter events are shown below. Mark your calendars now!
Details will be sent to the membership well in advance of all scheduled events.
Volunteers are important to any organization. If you would like to help, please call or email our Chapter President Ron Kinne at 734-591-4444 or
The So Cal Chapter of RCI hosted its second technical dinner meeting of the year on July 20, 2017, at JT Schmid’s Restaurant & Brewery in Tustin, CA.
The guest speaker was Marc Di Zinno of WestCoat Specialty Coating Systems, who presented on failures and case studies relating to deck coating systems. Di Zinno provided an engaging and educational discussion that delved into the basic principles behind coating systems, causes of failures, and problems associated with flashings and poor installation. He did an excellent job of imparting his own valuable industry experience and understanding of the nuances behind the design and installation of deck coatings. Chapter Secretary Kyle Eazor helped to round out the hour-long presentation with a showcase of case study examples of deck failures from past multifamily residential investigations.
Attendees enjoyed a social/tabletop exhibit session; dinner with a choice of beef, chicken, or salmon entrée; and earned one hour of continuing education approved by RCI and AIA. The meeting was attended by a total of 47 consultant and industry participants, with Marc Di Zinno of Westcoat, Ron Johnston of Union Roofing Contractors Association, Annette Wren of Excellent Coatings, and Jan Bagnall of Pli-Dek supporting the event with tabletop sponsorship. The chapter would like to thank the volunteers, attendees, and presenters for helping to make the event a rousing success.
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