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Chapter News – May 2017

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May 16, 2017

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Chapter leaders can download resources, including the Chapter Awards Program Application, from the Member Resources page of RCI’s website.

News by Chapter : Chicago Area | Great Lakes | Mid Atlantic | Ontario

Calendar of Upcoming Chapter Events

Ray Makiejus presents a portion of the course.

Chicago Area Chapter Hosts RCI Exterior Walls & Science Program

By Jeffery Button, RRC, RWC, AIA, Past President and Director, CAC-RCI
RCI Second Vice President Bob Card presents a portion of the program.

The Chicago Area Chapter (CAC-RCI) presented the RCI, Inc. Exterior Walls & Science educational course on April 27 and April 28, 2017, at the Chicago Marriott Oak Brook in Oak Brook, Illinois. There were 28 attendees from near and distant states, in addition to the presenters and CAC-RCI administrators. Four speakers presented the topics and kept the program lively and interactive. The presenters included Kami Farahmandpour, FRCI, RRC, RWC, REWC, RBEC, PE, of Building Technology Consultants, Inc.; Patrick Reicher, REWC, REWO, SE, of Raths, Raths, & Johnson, Inc.; Robert Card, RRC, RWC, REWC, RBEC, REWO, of Wetherholt and Associates, Inc.; and Ray Makiejus, RRC, RRO, of Flood Testing Laboratories, Inc.

Kami Farahmandpour presents part of the session.

The two-day program provided a complete and broad review of basic exterior wall technology, science, and terminology including types and functions of exterior walls, psychometrics and moisture movement, design objectives and building code requirements, evaluation tools and resources, coatings and repellants, and sealants and fenestrations.

Patrick Reicher presents a portion of the Exterior Walls and Science Course.

The attendees consisted of CAC-RCI members, other professional consultants and architects, contractors, and manufacturers. The wide variety of experiences amongst the attendees generated questions and discussions beyond the outlined material and provided additional insights into the topics. CAC-RCI thanks all of the course attendees and speakers.


Great Lakes Chapter Holds Spring Technical Session

By Sue Baumberger, Industry Director, Great Lakes Chapter of RCI
A crowded room listening to the speakers.

On April 20, 2017, at the Polish Cultural Center in Troy, MI, the Great Lakes Chapter held their spring technical session. Two important topics were discussed:

  1. Pre-Fabricated and Shop-Formed Sheet Metal Edge Options and Viewpoints — Presented by Sam Velez, Tom Dudas, and Jim Capo
  2. Proposed Changes to the Michigan Energy Code — Presented by Tom Mrozowski

Upcoming Chapter events are shown below. Mark your calendars now!

5/22: Chapter Putting Contest sponsorship at the SMRCA golf outing
9/11: Chapter Benefit Golf Outing
10/12: Fall Technical Session
12/7: Annual Banquet & Membership Meeting

Details will be sent to the membership well in advance of all scheduled events.

Volunteers are important to any organization. If you would like to help, please call or email Chapter President Ron Kinne at 734-591-4444 or


Mid Atlantic Chapter Will Hold Educational Seminar and Golf Outing

By Matt Schofield, RCI MAC Chapter Secretary

The Mid Atlantic Chapter (MAC) will hold its second educational seminar of 2017 on May 18, at the East Jessup Holiday Inn, in Jessup Maryland. A total of four presentations are scheduled to be given, worth a total of six RCI Continuing Education Hours.

Presentations are scheduled to include:

  • Slate Roofing: Nothing’s New, Everything’s New — Presenter: Julie Palmer of Levine & Company
  • Heat Welding & Thermoplastic Membrane — Presenter: Helene Hardy Pierce of GAF Materials Corporation
  • The Cavity Wall Conundrum — Presenter: Todd Skopic of Henry Company
  • Achieving High-Performance Design and Performance with Commercial Polycarbonate Glazing — Presenter: Tim Metcalfe of Wasco Products Inc.

The 15th annual Mid Atlantic Chapter golf outing will be held at the Little Bennett Golf Course in Clarksburg, Maryland on June 8, 2017. The tournament will be organized as a shotgun with foursome assignments designed for interaction between consultants, building owners, contractors, and material suppliers involved with the industry in the Mid Atlantic Chapter area of Virginia, Maryland, and the District of Columbia.

For more information about this event and future events or other chapter information, visit the Mid Atlantic Chapter website at, or contact Matt Schofield at, or Steven Bohlen at


Ontario Chapter Enjoys Convention, Attends Trade Show, Hosts Class

By Jay Campbell, RCI Ontario Chapter Communications Director

The RCI Ontario Chapter was well represented this year at the 32nd RCI International Convention in Anaheim, California. Several members of the Ontario Chapter were “hitting it Cali style” as they enjoyed the warm weather the west coast had to offer while playing host to the Annual Convention. A sizeable group of Canadians at this year’s convention included RCI Ontario Chapter President Jennifer Hogan and new Region VII Director Bryan Fishburn. Some of the highlights of the convention included prestigious awards being presented to the Ontario Chapter. RCI Ontario Chapter was presented the Platinum Chapter Award. Chapter member Russell Ibbotson was recognized as an “Outstanding Volunteer.” Russell’s hard work and dedication to the Ontario Chapter is very much appreciated by all members.

Jonathan Gilkinson, Jeffrey Watkinson, and Anthony Di Carlo with RCI Ontario Chapter President Jennifer Hogan.

The RCI Ontario Chapter welcomed three university students as guests to the RCI Anaheim Convention. The three students participated in an array of RCI functions and educational sessions. The invitation gave the students a chance to rub shoulders with industry professionals and gave them a first-hand look into all that RCI has to offer. The Ontario Chapter hopes their experience was enjoyable, educational, and perhaps a building block to future careers in the building science industry!

The Ontario Chapter had a booth at ROOFTech 2017.

April was a busy month for the Ontario Chapter. ROOFTech 2017 trade exposition was held at the International Centre in Toronto on April 25-26. The Ontario Chapter had a booth on site, which was designed to bring more exposure to the RCI organization and the RCI Ontario Chapter in particular, and demonstrate the services and benefits of being a member. This annual event is well attended by many professionals in the roofing and building science industry, so it was imperative for the Ontario Chapter to be part of the exposition.

On April 28, 2017, RCI Ontario Chapter held a “Roof Systems Thermal and Moisture Design” course at the Toronto Construction Association (TCA) offices in Toronto. Approximately 20 attendees were treated to an informative and educational lecture which included cooling load calculations, energy consumption and payback calculations, and the effects of moisture on roof insulation. Darrell Henderson and Peter Saunders, of Henry Company, provided their expertise for the day-long course.

Upcoming Events:
June 7, 2017: The Education Committee is holding a breakfast seminar at the TCA Offices in Toronto. This event will be streamed live for those who can’t attend in person. The seminar will cover these two topics:

June 20, 2017: The Social Committee is holding the annual “RCI Ontario Chapter Golf Tournament” at King’s Riding Golf Club.

Visit the RCI Ontario Chapter website for details on all upcoming events.

Follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn for up to date event information!

May/June Chapter Events

1415161718 - Gulf Coast: Roofing and Technology Science II / Carolinas: Building Envelope Quality Assurance / Mid-Atlantic: Educational Seminar19 - Carolinas: Rooftop Quality Assurance20
2122 - Great Lakes Chapter Putting Contest w/SMRCA2324252627
28293031June 123
4567 - Ontario Chapter: Breakfast Seminar8 - Mid-Atlantic: Golf Outing910