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On October 27-28, 2016, the Carolinas Chapter of RCI, Inc. will host an RCI educational session at the Double Tree Charlotte Airport in Charlotte, NC. This two-day course is aimed at the practicing waterproofing consultant or designer and at those just getting into this field. Read more about this educational event.
The Chicago Area Chapter of RCI, Inc. (CAC-RCI) conducted its summer program on Friday, September 16, 2016, at The Village Links of Glen Ellyn in Glen Ellyn, IL. The event was attended by 47 CAC-RCI members, speakers, guests, and exhibitors. Tabletop exhibitors included Tecta America, USG Securock®, Versico Roofing Systems, Sheet Metal Supply, Ltd., and Georgia Pacific.
The first program presentation was “Building Enclosure Commissioning: What Is It? What Is the Value? How Does It Impact Me?” by Derek Cavataio of Intertek-Architectural Testing, Inc. Commissioning of the building enclosure (BECx) is relatively new to the industry. Cavataio’s presentation provided a detailed overview of the BECx process during the design and construction phases of a project. He also discussed the importance of performing building enclosure testing to verify performance and conformance with design criteria.
The second presentation was “Use of Snow Retention Devices: Science or Science Fiction?” by Harry Lubitz of S-5! Metal Roof Innovations. Snow retention devices have been used on steep-slope roofs for hundreds of years. Lubitz provided an overview of design considerations for specifying snow retention devices on modern metal roofs. During the presentation, Lubitz discussed common myths and misconceptions regarding the use of snow retention devices. In many cases, the systems can be value-engineered without sacrificing performance.
CAC-RCI’s next quarterly program will be held on Friday, November 4, 2016, at Pinstripes in Oakbrook, IL. (Click here to register for the November 4th program.) Program topics will include “Changes in Energy Codes” by Bill McHugh of Chicago Roofing Contractors Association and “Fundamentals of Traffic-Bearing Membranes” by Chris Kottra of Building Technology Consultants. For more information regarding CAC-RCI programs and to register for events, please visit the CAC-RCI website.
The New England Chapter of RCI, Inc. (NECRCI) held its annual lobster bake at Harvey’s Building Products (Harvey’s) in Londonderry, NH, this past September. Forty-eight members, plus additional representatives of the manufacturers’ and presenters’ organizations, were present for the event. Special guest appearances included RCI President Robért Hinojosa, and RCI Region I Director Markian Duma.
Paulo Vieiradias, of GAF Material Corporation, presented low-slope roofing systems, isocyanurate insulation, roof coatings, and steep-slope ventilation components.
Jeremy Grimes, of Latchways Permanent Fall Protection, discussed the benefits of permanent fall-protection rails, tie-off anchors, and constant force post technology.
The NECRCI thanks Glenn Bickford and Justin St. Hilaire of Harvey’s for coordinating, sponsoring, and holding the event. Attendees were able to tour the window and door manufacturing plant and view Harvey’s window testing laboratory, which is used to assess their products for wind pressure and water infiltration.
Sponsors and tabletop presentations were provided by Justin Farnsworth of Dupont/Parksite, Erik Laverdiere of Soprema, Joseph Trapani of Fiskio Inc., Linda May of Roof Drain Markers, and John Massengill of SafePro/Congress Associates.
A special thanks to Shawn Vetere of Knollmeyer Building Corp. for taking the lead on setting up the NECRCI Lobster Bake and coordinating the activities with Harvey’s and the catering company, as well as providing refreshments for the attendees.
The New England Chapter of RCI, Inc. (NECRCI) was recently invited to attend a donor breakfast at Massasoit Community College due to the two scholarships that the chapter provided the college in the spring, in the amounts of $1,500, and $500 for graduating students. The president of the college and president of the college’s foundation both spoke. Three former students discussed their experience with the school and how donors like the NECRCI impacted them in a positive way. All three of the former students stressed the importance of giving back to their community. NECRCI Treasurer John Massengill was honored to attend and represent the chapter’s members at this event. NECRCI hopes to continue to support this fine institution on an annual basis.
Massasoit Community College is named for the Great Sachem (Great Chief) of the Wampanoag tribe at the time of the pilgrims’ arrival. The college is a dynamic, diverse learning community that supports all students in obtaining an education that leads to a career, provides the foundation for transfer to a four-year institution, and supports the pursuit of lifelong learning. Faculty and staff are committed to student success and strive to offer accessible and innovative programs with comprehensive support services to prepare students for membership in a global society.
The Ohio Valley Chapter of RCI is offering a series of excellent educational sessions on November 2 and 17 for roof consultants, designers, specifiers, and owners looking to keep up with the dynamic and innovative modern construction industry. Get six hours of RCI Continuing Educational Hours (CEHs) (pending), see great exhibits, and do some valuable networking— all in one day.
Attendee registration for Ohio Valley Chapter members is $125. The cost for nonmembers is $150. Tabletop exhibit registration can be purchased for $250 for the tabletop and one person. A continental breakfast and lunch is included in the registration fee. Registrants are responsible for their hotel and travel arrangements. Cancellations will not receive refunds after October 29, 2016.
Schedule for both events: Registration and breakfast will begin at 7:15 a.m.; sessions commence at 8. Lunch will start at 11:30 a.m., and the day’s educational portion will wrap up at 4:00 p.m. The day will conclude with a chapter meeting.
The event will take place on November 2, 2016, at the Hyatt Regency Columbus, OH. Program highlights will include:
Online Registration for Ohio Event
The event will take place on November 17, 2016, at the Sheet Metal Workers’ Training Center in Indianapolis, IN. Program highlights will include:
Online Registration for Indiana Event
The Ontario Chapter held a breakfast seminar at Woodbine Banquet and Convention Hall. The seminar was very well attended and included two educational presentations.
Laverne J. Miller, senior advisor to Bitumar Canada, presented “Asphalt Roofing.” Many topics relating to asphalt manufacturing and quality control were covered by Miller, who has over 40 years of experience in the asphalt business.
The second presentation was “Drone Use in Building Science,” by Michael Cohen of Industrial SkyWorks, Jacob Ratz of Airborne Inspection Inc., and Jason Eaton of UAV Inspections. The three presenters shared valuable information pertaining to drones and how they can be best utilized by building science professionals.
RCI Ontario Chapter thanks all sponsors and attendees for making this a great event.
Visit the RCI Ontario Chapter website for details on all upcoming events.
Follow RCI Ontario on Facebook and LinkedIn for up-to-date event information.
This article is the fifth in a series of seven articles pertaining to the new Chapter Awards Program. The revised application process takes on a digital and more user-friendly approach, utilizing Excel®. The intent of the awards application is twofold: 1) to recognize a chapter’s accomplishments for the year, and more importantly, 2) to chart a chapter’s roadmap for planning, operation, and growth activities.
The following discusses the Marketing and Technical Services sections of the Chapter Award Program application:
One of the most important committees within your chapter will be the Marketing Committee. Some chapters may struggle with attendance for their programs. The Outstanding RCI Affiliated Chapter Awards Program application will help remind you of the importance of marketing. A passing score of at least 60 points is required for the Marketing section, with total points available up to 100. There are four main components of the section that will help you achieve this goal. First, do you have an active marketing committee? Second, do you have a website? Third, do you keep your information current on the website? Fourth, do you publish a calendar of events? Achieving these four items will garner you 70 points on the application, and will most likely improve attendance at your events.
Please contact RCI Director of Region & Chapter Relations Catherine Moon if you do not have a website. She can help get you on your way.
A couple of other areas to focus on to increase your point total for the Outstanding Chapter Award are sending out a newsletter once a quarter and using social media to communicate with members (i.e., blogs, Facebook, etc.). Publishing your chapter board of directors list will also give you an additional five points. Using a service such as Constant Contact® can provide a quick and simple way to communicate with your chapter members and send them all your marketing updates.
There are only three main components to the Technical Services section. A passing score of 75 is required, so all three of these items are weighted heavily. The chapter having an active Technical Committee is worth 50 points. You will need to list your committee chair and committee members. A chapter member contributing a technical article to RCI Interface or other related journal is worth 25 points. (You will need to submit that article with your Chapter Award Program application.) Your chapter sharing and discussing RCI Technical Advisory notices is worth an additional 25 points.
Be on the lookout for the RCI Chapter Development Committee’s next article— six of seven in the Chapter Awards Program article series. It will cover Section 10.0 – Philanthropic and Section 11.0 – Industry Outreach of the program application. The Outstanding RCI Affiliated Chapter Awards Program application is available for download
The 2025 IIBEC Building Enclosure Symposium (BES) is now accepting abstract submissions through January 17, 2025.
The 2025 IIBEC BES will take place at the St. Louis Union Station Hotel in St. Louis, Missouri, October 26-28, 2025. Will you be one of the presenters? IIBEC is seeking technical articles and presentations for consideration. Put your skills, knowledge, and talent to work for your profession!
Submit Your Abstract Today!
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