What geographical region do you serve?
The IIBEC Chicago Area Chapter actually serves multiple states, with members in Illinois, Iowa, and Indiana. The chapter is also proud to now sponsor IIBEC’s newest branch, the IIBEC Minnesota Branch! The branch is off to a great start with its inaugural event on January 27th boasting over 40 attendees.
What is your favorite location to host a meeting?
Our favorite location and favorite meeting is in Oak Brook for our January Annual Meeting, which just took place on January 19th. This is the most attended meeting all year and it provides an excellent opportunity to network with peers, talk about completed projects, and discuss upcoming roofing trends. As it is roofing week for our industry, is also the best time to connect with other roofing industry professionals while obtaining the most continuing educational hours in one week to maintain certifications. The meeting space allows for spacious learning with up-to-date technology.
Your chapter spans a large geographical area of the U.S., are you currently looking for any new volunteers?
The IIBEC Chicago Area Chapter is always looking for thoughtful, energetic, and available peers to work together to lead the industry and give back in a meaningful way.
There are several opportunities to participate in standing committees that make a difference for our industry and members, as well as serving on the Board.
If you were to give a piece of advice to the next generation of consultants, what would it be and why?
Find mentors. Ask questions. Always do the right thing, which is usually not the easiest. The learning never stops.
Speaking of mentors, tell us about your members! Do you have a member who has had a strong impact on the community or chapter?
Past CAC President Patrick Reicher was the local chapter president when the pandemic hit. Without skipping a beat, Patrick ensured the business of the chapter continued at its expected pre-pandemic pace.
The ability to go virtual with continuing education to ensure members had opportunities to maintain their certifications appeared to be done effortlessly, but we know there was much work he did behind the scenes. His ability to organize and maintain synchronicity within the board during the pandemic was exceptional.
Within the last couple of years, IIBEC has updated its strategic plan with a renewed focus on advocacy for our members. Is your chapter currently working on any local advocacy issues?
H.B.-680 was introduced in the Illinois General Assembly in 2021. H.B.-680 proposed to eliminate the Qualifications-Based Selection (QBS) procurement process for architectural and engineering services on public projects and replace it with a price-based selection criteria.
QBS helps to ensure that the state of Illinois retains only competent design professionals with demonstrated qualifications and a proven track-record. The net outcome of QBS is higher quality and more efficient construction, operations, and maintenance of buildings with longer service life cycles and less repairs. This results in better buildings for less money which ultimately comes from the taxpayers. Fortunately, this bill did not come to fruition.
To spread the word about H.B. 680 and to enforce future advocacy efforts, CAC IIBEC teamed up with IIBEC International in June of 2021 to present a seminar, “How Illinois’ QBS Procurement Policies Impacts Consultants and How IIBEC Advocacy is Protecting Your Interests”.
Finally, tell us a little about your board!
President: Derek W. Cavataio Vice President: Patrick Giblin Secretary: Allysia Youngquist Treasurer: Ryan Schultz Immediate Past President: Raymond Makiejus Director: Andy Barriento Director: Gloria Moy Director: Jacob Arnold Director: Jay Henning Director: Melissa Barrows-Lieb Director: Mike McMillin Director: Steven Flores IIBEC Minnesota Branch Liaison: Piotr Rusinkiewicz
The 2025 IIBEC Building Enclosure Symposium (BES) is now accepting abstract submissions through January 17, 2025.
The 2025 IIBEC BES will take place at the St. Louis Union Station Hotel in St. Louis, Missouri, October 26-28, 2025. Will you be one of the presenters? IIBEC is seeking technical articles and presentations for consideration. Put your skills, knowledge, and talent to work for your profession!
Submit Your Abstract Today!
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