What geographical region do you serve?
Colorado and surrounding states, but we’re centrally located in Denver.
Do you have any events coming up?
We have planned up to 16+ hours of continuing education this year including hosting the Rooftop Quality Assurance Class, most likely being held in October. We also host our annual golf outing in the fall and are looking forward to planning our first shooting clays event over the summer. Keep an eye on our website
for registration coming soon!
In your opinion, what was the most successful event that your chapter has hosted within the past 3 years?
We have had several really successful events in the last couple of years. For our annual meeting and seminar in 2020, we held a presentation and open forum with the City and County of Denver. Our theme was “Ask a Code Official”.
We’ve also held joint events with our local contractors association (CRS), one in 2018 that drew over 200 attendees.
Another, held in January 2020 on energy efficient buildings was held in a really cool event center that was stocked with classic cars, motorcycles, and collectible antiques on display. We had great participation and a cocktail party to follow.
What is your favorite location to hold a meeting. Why?
Colorado is known for its high per-capita quantity of breweries. Pre-COVID, we often enjoyed meeting at a brewery to facilitate our board meetings. We have also utilized a local workplace multiple times in 2018 and 2019 called Thrive Workplace, as they have several nice meeting rooms that include free coffee and beer at reasonable prices.
Industry advocacy is a universal initiative. Are you currently working on any advocacy issues for your members?
Yes, we are currently working with the Colorado Roofing Association, ARMA, and various manufacturers on a code change to the 2024 building codes to include ventilation on reroofs.
Does your chapter provide or support any scholarships for students?
Yes, we provide scholarships for our area engineering colleges (Colorado State University, University of Colorado, Colorado School of Mines, and the University of Wyoming). Application information can be found on our website.
How many cumulative years of experience does your board have in the industry?
Three of us each have over 35 years of experience in the industry, but collectively we would estimate well over 150 years of experience.
What do you all feel is the greatest takeaway from chapter involvement?
Many of us on the board would agree that our involvement on the board has opened doors for us with engaging clients or new work opportunities professionally. We demonstrate that we are engaged and knowledgeable in our field. Our involvement has allowed us the opportunity to build our personal brands and build a strong network of other professionals, manufacturers/industry affiliates, contractors, and clients. Personally, we enjoy the friendships that we have built by serving together.
We wouldn’t be here without our members, but some just stand out. Tell us about some of your leaders!
Many chapters struggle with education sessions and coming up with interesting, relevant topics and speakers. Our president, Dan Cupit, has led the charge in planning education with the chapter for a number of years and is a wealth of resources for educational presentations as well as a wonderful connection to talented speakers for our members. We’re fortunate to have him as a resource and to be able to offer exceptional education to our members!
2021 Colorado Chapter Executive Committee
Dan Cupit, President Julie McDonald, REWC, RRC, Vice President Logan Christensen, RRO, Interim Treasurer, Immediate Past President Nate Hewson, Secretary
The 2025 IIBEC Building Enclosure Symposium (BES) is now accepting abstract submissions through January 17, 2025.
The 2025 IIBEC BES will take place at the St. Louis Union Station Hotel in St. Louis, Missouri, October 26-28, 2025. Will you be one of the presenters? IIBEC is seeking technical articles and presentations for consideration. Put your skills, knowledge, and talent to work for your profession!
Submit Your Abstract Today!
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